
Fogburrow, the central stronghold, is the oldest settlement in the region. It was the central hub for the refugees driven from their homes by the Beast and the main staging ground for the war to take the Foothills back.   The least welcoming to foreigners, Fogburrow tends to be avoided by traders. The people here remember the struggles of the war the most keenly and have adopted a sort of xenophobic mindset.   The stronghold sits by a massive lake surrounded by umber tree forests. Its name comes from the ever-present fog and mist in the area.   The people of the stronghold are masters at working umberwood into carts, rowboats, lumber, and household necessities. They tend to be quieter by Marshhelm standards and are more reserved than their neighbors.   The Jarl is an old Drakari named Ragnorix the Runesmasher. Ragnorix got his name due to his utterly magnificent work with runic magic, including the creation of the runes that were used to augment the ballista bolts that killed the Beast. He is one of the original founders of the League and was a close friend to Zephyrak the Shellcrusher.   The clothing of this region tends to be a mix between linens, wools, furs, and sea animal leathers as its weather tends to be more temperate and manageable. The styles are a mix of what you'd find in Dragon's Maw, Snowrend, and Marshfoot.
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Click and Learn Photography