Dragon's Maw

Dragon's Maw was founded by Zephyrak the Shellcrusher shortly after the Marshhelm League was founded. Zephyrak took a sizable amount of people and supplies and went to the coast in search of a location he saw in a vision: a jutting cliffside overlooking the bay just off the Maw, where the Beast tore out of the ground and left behind jagged formations resembling massive teeth.   Zephyrak and his people found it after days of travel. Together, they laid the first stones of a towering stronghold that embodies Marshhelm might. Although the struggles were real, the industrious people toiled on, turning a barren cliffside into a mighty stronghold complete with walls, a shipyard, homes, and a longhouse fit for a legend. The crown jewel of the city is the massive piece of the Beast's carapace that was laid as part of the longhouse's roof, just over the throne where Zephyrak sat for over a decade.   Dragon's Maw has a walled upper city, which crawls slowly up the hillside to the cliffs that overlook the sea. This area houses both residential and military structures as well as some workshops that support the residents.   The lower city exists outside of the walls. It houses the shipyard, shipbuilding workshops, some farmland, and a few residences that have sprawled out to the lower area.   The current reigning Jarl and High Jarl is a Drakari who goes by Valthorix the Stormbreaker. She is a mighty warrior and daughter of the previous Jarl, Zephyrak the Shellcrusher. She was nominated for Jarl after single-handedly chasing down a group of raiders during a violent storm, rescuing abductees and much-needed medicines in the process. After a difficult decision, she challenged her father to Fara'Thruk and defeated him. Many hearts were heavy that day as Zephyrak bled out in Valthorix's arms, but Fara'Thruk must be respected.   The people of Dragon's Maw prefer rugged linen and wool clothing supplemented with tough shark and seal leather reinforcements and coverings.
by Michelle M
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Click and Learn Photography