
Snowrend exists deep in the frigid mountain range that marks the region's border, just before the mountains meet the sea.   The people here are a hearty folk who toil endlessly at the forges, runic workshops, and the mines that dot the settlement. Their works are known across the region and are typically sought after by foreigners as well.   A typically rowdy lot, the inhabitants of this settlement are known for their rough personalities and hardy attitudes. They believe that there isn't a problem in the world that can't be fixed with the right tools, and the best tools are forged right in the heart of Snowrend.   The stronghold is surrounded by strong, runically-enhanced walls that were erected shortly before the war and served as a bulwark to protect the war engine's need for weapons and armor.   The Jarl of the area is a Kynn and goes by Thraendir the Wicked. He is known for his mastery of channeling magic and his even stronger disposition to explode into anger. He defeated a monstrous ice elemental deemed "The Winking Death" and subsequently defeated the previous Jarl in Fara'Thruk.   Due to the temperatures, the people of the region tend to adopt heavy wools and furs to stave off the biting cold.

by Michelle M

Owning Organization

Cover image: by Click and Learn Photography