Zephyrak the Shellcrusher

A name that stirs the hearts of almost every soul in the Salt-Touched Foothills, Zephyrak is a legend among the people. He is known for his incredible fortitude and bravery as well as his exploits in defeating the Beast and founding the League.   Zephyrak was defeated in Fara'Thruk by his daughter, the capable Valthorix the Stormbreaker. Zephyrak's legacy lives on and is largely accepted as the savior of the region and it's culture.   Many tails exist of Zephyrak's exploits, but the two most prominent are of his final showdown with the Beast and his subsequent return to rebuild the region.   Slest’sla and Langvedem
Date of Death
122 AF
Circumstances of Death
Defeated in Fara'Thruk by his daughter
Place of Death
Dragon's Maw longhouse exterior
Aligned Organization

Articles under Zephyrak the Shellcrusher