Valthorix the Stormbreaker

Valthorix is the reigning High Jarl. Her decisive mentality, strong power of will and arm, and masterful tactical wit lead her to be voted in as High Jarl after defeating her own father in Fara'Thruk. The only Jarl who gave issue was Snowrend's Jarl, as he personally wanted the position. That argument was short lived, as Valthorix beat him senseless soon after during a typical Marshhelm political meeting.
  She is a kind person who cares deeply for all of Marshhelm and tolerates no disrespect to the culture that has been so carefully cultivated there.
  She was trained by her father and excelled beyond the rest of her siblings in most forms of martial combat. Destined to be a leader, Valthorix was known for taking charge even as a child. She gained her title after she performed her feat of strength: a daring rescue in a small ship past a dangerous maelstrom through the Maw during a large, thunderous storm. No man could stop her in combat, and no storm could, either. She was given the title Stormbreaker to commemorate this victory; it is a fitting match to her axe, Thunder Splitter.
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