Fara'Thruk and Combat Trials

Fara'Thruk is an ancient rite from the time before the Sundering. Many believe the Mountain herself created the tradition after bringing the first settlers to the area.   The tradition is fairly straightforward, but accepted regulations have generally built the rite into what it is today. Fara’Thruk is a form of honor duel that is highly ritualistic and much more important than your everyday duel. It is a form of combat that requires the gods to bear witness.   The people of Marshhelm only invoke this rite to address particularly egregious wrongdoings or to challenge a Jarl for Jarldom. Challengers must consult with elders prior to invoking this rite, as the more elders who agree to the circumstances, the more likely the local populace is to see the challenge as honorable. In order to challenge a Jarl to Fara'Thruk, you must have completed a Feat of Strength and had your claim deemed legitimate by the local populace. Typically, challenges are issued by calling upon the person in public or by delivering a weapon to them. The person receiving the challenge has the lawful right to pick the circumstances of the duel. This includes choosing a location, how public it is, what weapons and armor are involved, and what time the fight begins. Choosing the circumstances of the duel offers the person challenged a way to swing the odds in their favor, but if it becomes obvious that they are unfair they’ll be met with public shame. Similarly, denying a legitimate Fara'Thruk can result in public shame or banishment from the community.   After the Sundering, the cycle of life and death changed. True death was no longer a given, causing issues with this rite. Now, per tradition, the loser of a Fara'Thruk must inform whatever entity they meet in The Crossroads that they do not wish to return to the land of the living. Choosing to return after losing a Fara’Thruk is one of the most heinous acts a person can perform; it is seen as an act of disrespect towards all of the Salt-Touched Foothills and may be severely punished.   Similarly, if you are a criminal who is given a life sentence for hard labor or imprisonment, you are allowed to request a type of Fara'Thruk to clear the charges. This has different regulations however. The criminal is allowed to perform a trial by combat to avert punishment. Winning this duel typically means banishment; you are allowed to keep your life, but must leave the stronghold and find another place to live. Losing means death, and the terms of the duel state that you must not return from The Crossroads. The local Jarl chooses both the circumstances of the duel and a champion to fight the criminal. The champion is allowed to return from death. Agreeing to be the champion is seen as an act of courage and is typically rewarded regardless of the outcome.
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