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Computer Hacking

Computer Hacking
Skill Attribute & Difficulty
Int - Very Hard
Computer Programming
This is the skill of gaining illegal access to a computer system – usually using another computer over a communications network. A successful Computer Hacking roll allows you to gain surreptitious access to a system, or to find (or change) information on a system you have already broken into. On a critical failure, you fail to gain access and leave some sort of incriminating evidence of your attempt.   This skill is cinematic, and simulates the way computer intrusion works in many movies and novels. It does not exist in realistic settings!   Realistic “hackers” should learn a combination of Computer Operation (to exploit OS loopholes and run intrusion software), Computer Programming (to write intrusion software), Cryptography, Electronics Operation (Communications or Surveillance), Electronics Repair (Computers), Fast-Talk (to convince legitimate users to reveal passwords), Research (to find documented security holes), and Scrounging (to “Dumpster dive” for manuals, passwords on discarded sticky notes, etc.).
Equipment modifiers. -1 to -10 if you have been away from the field for a long time and have not had a chance to become familiar with the changes. Security measures give a penalty, from -1 for the cheapest commercial security software to -15 for the latest technology.   Some measures resist your intrusion attempt; treat this as a Contest of Hacking vs. the effective skill of the defenses.

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