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A template for building and designing skills for Starfire Rebranded created by Sirplyot
ID Name Tags
Theology skills_index_t
Philosophy skills_index_p
Merchant skills_index_m
Melee Weapons skills_index_m
Meditation skills_index_m
Mechanic skills_index_m
Mathematics skills_index_m
Masonry skills_index_m
Market Analysis skills_Index_m
Makeup skills_index_m
Machinist skills_list_m
Lockpicking skills_index_l
Literature skills_index_l
Liquid Projector skills_index_l
Lip Reading skills_list_l
Linguistics skills_index_l
Light Walk skills_index_l
Lifting skills_list_l
Leatherworking skills_index_l
Leadership skills_index_l
Law skills_index_l
Lasso skills_index_l
Lance skills_index_l
Throwing Art skill_index_t
Hypnotism skills_index_h
Throw Weapons skill_index_t
Housekeeping skills_index_h
Tracking skill_index_t
Traps skill_index_t
Holdout skills_index_h
Typing skill_index_t
History skills_index_h
Hiking skills_index_h
Hidden Lore skills_index_h
Herb Lore skills_index_h
Heraldry skills_index_h
Hazardous Materials skills_index_h
General Skill Investment skills_index_g
Guns skills_index_g
Gunner skills_index_g
Group Performance skills_index_g
Gesture skills_index_g
Geology skills_index_g
Geography skills_index_g
Gardening skills_index_g
Games skills_index_g
Gambling skills_index_g
Running skills_index_r
Ritual Magic skills_index_r
Riding skills_index_r
Research skills_index_r
Religious Ritual skills_index_r
Occultism skills_index_o
Observation skills_index_o
Nets skills_index_n
Navigation skills_index_n
Naturalist skills_index_n
Knot Tying skills_index_k
Karate skills_index_k
Jumping skills_index_j
Judo skills_index_j
Jeweler skills_index_j
Invisibility Art skills_index_i
Intimidation skills_index_i
Interrogation skills_index_i
Intelligence Analysis skills_index_i
Innate Attack skills_index_i
Explosives skills_index_e
Exorcism skills_index_e
Esoteric Medicine skills_index_e
Escape skills_index_e
Environment Suit skills_index_e
Engineer skills_index_e
Electronics Repair skills_index_e
Electronics Operation skills_index_e
Electrician skills_index_e
Economics skills_index_e
Fast-Talk skills_index_f
Fast-Draw skills_index_f
Farming skills_index_f
Camouflage skills_index_c
Accounting skills_index_a
Bioengineering skills_index_b
Beam Weapons skills_index_b
Astronomy skills_index_a
Artist skills_index_a
Artillery skills_index_a
Armory skills_index_a
Area Knowledge skills_index_a
Architecture skills_index_a
Archaeology skills_index_a
Anthropology skills_index_a
Animal Handling skills_index_a
Alchemy skills_index_a
Administration skills_index_a
Acting skills_index_a
Acrobatics skills_index_a
Filch skills_index_f
Biology skills_index_b
Blind Fighting skills_index_b
Boating skills_index_b
Body Language skills_index_b
Finance skills_index_f
First Aid skills_index_f
Flight skills_index_f
Forced Entry skills_index_f
Forgery skills_index_f
Fortune Telling skills_index_f
Forward Observation skills_index_f
Free Falling skills_index_f
Freight Handling skills_index_f
Bows skills_index_b
Boxing skills_index_b
Brainwashing skills_index_b
Weird Science skills_index_w
Wrestling skills_index_w
Writing skills_index_w
Urban Survival skills_index_u
Veterinary skills_index_v
Brawling skills_index_b
Breath Control skills_index_b
Carousing skills_index_c
Carpentry skills_index_c
Cartography skills_index_c
Chemistry skills_index_c
Climbing skills_index_c
Cloak skills_index_c
Combat Art/Sport skills_index_c
Computer Hacking skills_index_c
Computer Operation skills_index_c
Forensics skills_index_f
Computer Programming skills_index_c
Cooking skills_index_c
Counterfeiting skills_index_c
Dancing skills_index_d
Detect Lies skills_index_d
Diagnosis skills_index_d
Diplomacy skills_index_d
Disguise skills_index_d
Driving skills_index_d
Crewman skills_index_c
Criminology skills_index_c
Crossbow skills_index_c
Cryptography skills_index_c
Current Affairs skills_index_c
Driving skill_index_d
Disguise skill_index_d
Diplomacy skill_index_d
Diagnosis skill_index_d
Detect Lies skill_index_d
Dancing skill_index_d
Computer Operation skill_index_c
Fishing skills_index_f
Body Language skill_index_b
Boating skill_index_b
Blind Fighting skill_index_b
Biology skill_index_b
Beam Weapons skill_index_b
Astronomy skill_index_a
Artist skill_index_a
Artillery skill_index_a