The Great Famine

Disaster / Destruction


With little knowledge of how to thrive on a subterranean diet, the city struggled. Rationing became the norm for life in the caves and healthier citizens were urged to go days without eating. It became clear that their food supplies would not last and soon even rationing would not sustain them.

The Food Dwindles

As the food stockpiles dwindled year over year, the decision was made to begin rationing until farming and cave fishing could catch up with the demand. Year over year, the situation did not improve and increasingly drastic measures were put in place. Those with terminal injuries were withheld food, laws were put in place to reduce population growth and all efforts were put towards a solution to the growing problem. Refusal to help the situation meant a lack of food and a slow death.


Any available growing space was utilized to maximum efficiency. Those that weren't dedicated to maintaining the farms and fisheries were put toward researching runic methods to increase crop yield or reducing food needs. Despite the grim nature of the situation, a surge in runic research taught them which runes may be safe to cast and which would lead to disaster. For perhaps the first and only time in the history of the city, the community came together towards a common goal and fought for their survival.


The City Divides

On the brink of collapse, there started a growing divide among the people between those that wanted to continue down the path and those that wanted to risk the dangers of opening the vault. Those that remembered the ashen touched, seeing their friends and families twist into horrible monstrosities warned of the danger of the outside world while those that saw people die within the caves from hunger urged them to at least try something.


The Creation of Soulforged

Finally, in 19 AF something was discovered. Whether it was lost in the struggle of the time or the people refuse to ever share it, the method to effectively create Soulforged was unlocked. Their salvation was at hand and citizens lined up to make the ultimate sacrifice, forgoing flesh and hunger to being sentient armor. Those that did would forever be honored and, with the demand for food now plummeting, the outlook for the people of Pelolia was finally positive.

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