Aufield (Ah-Field)

Aufield is what most outsiders would see as the main city of Pelolia. It consists of the walled districts outside the vault, sitting among rolling hills at the base of the mountain.  


Thrilia - Led by Lann Olia Telina Torian, Thrilia is the first outside district right outside of the vault. The first families who left the vault live in this area.   Ananlia- Led by Lann Olia Dartan Roisin, this is the outermost ring of the proper city. Younger families live here that are more open to outsiders and changes in culture. Unlike the plain, traditional homes of Thrilia, these homes tend to be more unique and expressive, showing the shift in culture.   Shanlia - Led by Fiah Olia Cerita Caisearbhán, Shanlia exists outside the city walls of Aufield and acts as a meeting place between the Li’ah and outsiders. The actual population is very sparse, with most citizens living within the other districts. Despite this, the district is alive with the sounds of trade, commerce, and sharing of stories in the local inns and taverns.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization