
Crushfeather is known as the gateway into the region, as it sits just at the easiest crossing through the mountains. A humble farming stronghold, Crushfeather is home to some of the most fertile ground in the region. The people here cultivate both the usual fair of grains and vegetables as well as livestock for milk, cheese, and wool. The people here have also experimented with regional Ashtouched plants and have been successful in finding edible and alien plants to supplement life.   Crushfeather was founded shortly after the Beast drove the people from the coast. These refugees found an old fortress and settled around it to utilize its defenses and farm the area. The fortress has unknown origins, but it is believed to have been built by whatever powers existed in the region before they inevitably collapsed after the Sundering.   The area is known for its gentle sloping foothills, exhilarating view of the mountains, and country woodlands. This serene landscape belies terrible horrors; the people here have dealt with roaming groups of Ashtouched since they first settled it and are no strangers to rough living.   Despite the dangers that exist in the countryside, the people here are a jolly lot, worshipping the Meadow every chance they get and hosting small highland games on the regular to break up the monotony of daily life.   The stronghold's current Jarl is a Human by the name of Ashrund the Great, who only recently came to power after the previous Jarl died due to illness. He won the resulting games that were held to find the next Jarl.   The clothing of these people tends to favor linens during the warmer months and wools during the winter. Their styles tend to be close to what you'd find in Snowrend.
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Click and Learn Photography