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Jason Montgomery

Dulaman , --

Racial Keyword

Asset: Ohm

Ohm is a custom droid build by Jason during his late teens. Though open-ended and made of many spare or repaired parts, his design is actually much more advanced than any droids currently on the market, though neither Ohm or Jason actually know this. He is plated with adaptive titanium ceramo-metal plate armour with energy surge dispersion technology, approximately 2,500kg of lifting force and a full suite of combat software and sensors, all scavenged from damaged or broken corporate security proxies or built from scratch by Jason. He and Jason possess a strong bond and are able to wirelessly communicate through neural implants. Though Jason was never wealthy enough as an android mechanic to purchase a firearm, Ohm is capable of interfacing with and using most modern weaponry with ease.


Though Jason is mostly familiar with rebuilding and repairing androids, he seems to have a natural affinity with most technology, being able to work his way around most locks and security systems

Mutation: Biocompatibility

Unknown to Jason, he actually possesses a mutation that has prevented his body from having any sort of negative reaction to cybernetic augmentations and implants. In fact, this allows him to make and install bionic limbs and other implants himself with no issues, when others would require recovery in hospital.

"I might be skinny, but I assure you, my buddy here is fluent in at least 6 different methods of kicking your ass, so don't test me"

Created by



Gamma Haven
