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Android , Sentient

Racial Keyword


Conceals an object from a victim or other viewpoint (cameras), preventing them from noticing it. This can only affect viewpoints and objects Yatagan is aware of, and if the target is already aware of the object and has pinpointed its location, the ability ceases to function. (Mystic, Visual) [Mutation]

Ejection Mechanism

Yatagan possesses a small drone comparable to a baseball in size. When he self destructs, this drone is ejected, holding Yatagan's consciousness and memories. In this form, he cannot use Concealment, but can move freely by rolling and use the drone's small arms to climb, carry small objects, and the like. When uncoupled, the drone can survive most blasts without damage, due to the self-destruction being integrated in with the Ejection Mechanism. [Asset]


Yatagan is capable of, over time, weaseling into (and out of) most locations and positions without using Concealment. [Skill]

“The path to hell is paved with good intentions. Well, if that's the case, then I'm gonna make that path as wide as possible.”

Created by



Gamma Haven
