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Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Migrant , None

Racial Keyword

Bose–Einstein Condensate Body (mutation)

The entity is made of Bose–Einstein Condensate kept at its permanent near absolute temperature (-273.15 °C) through quantum manipulation. This allows a large of amount of awareness and manipulation of quantum mechanical phenomena particularly pertaining to magnetic fields, accelerations, and gravitation. Nearly weightless and massless, to the naked eye, it is invisible. Physical contact with entity will cause object to be subjected to sudden and immediate permafrost whether biological or not. Observing the entity requires supernatural or aided (such as through technology) sensitivity to wavelengths on a quantum level. Perception of aforementioned forces of magnetic fields, accelerations, and gravitation are neigh instantaneous, in a picosecond (one trillionth of a second) though processing and ability to act on such are limited by the entity's speed of thought (twice the reaction time of visual input so from .25 seconds to .125). Manipulation of said energies is equal to the energy output present of either of the forces (i.e. could manipulate the latent magnetism of raw iron to make it spin or warp a deadzone in a gravity well by canceling out a area with it's own energy, or simply altering the acceleration of a thing and slowing down or changing it's direction). Energy is finite however, every quantum manipulation increasing the temperature of the condensate body up to 0 °C at which point it loses stability and disperses, needing to coalesce once cooling down.

Rhaelagarian Science Division Doctorate (skill)

The Entity's ability to perceive quantum mechanical phenomena at such a degree make it unparalleled in the study of such matters. Through years of instruction and experimentation by the Rhaelagarians they have taught him all they know. Now his knowledge is such that he is often sought out as a consultation in all such matters, particularly towards *Omni-Transcendent Energy* and *The Lotus*

Rhaelagarian Meditative Cult (asset)

A secret society of scientist monks with members in all walks of Rhaelagarian life and position. Seeking higher sciences to help them find a way to manipulate their Ones'-self energies and All's-self energies to shake their very form, becoming pure Ergokinetic beings. Believing the entity to be their very goal they worship it as a angel of the *Elder Dragon Deities*, using their vast resources to appease it's will. Equivalent to a mid-level megacorp

"Out of nothing, nothing [be]comes"

Created by



Gamma Haven
