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Min Grei

Migrant ,

Racial Keyword

Mothkin Physiology [Mutation]

As a member of the Mothkin, Min has a variety of genetic effects that serve to differentiate her from others. Specialized evolutionary design within her eyes allows her perfect vision even in the darkest of areas, and she has an excellent internal compass. A set of four insectile wings upon her back affords her a top flying speed of 20mph, as well as excellent maneuverability in the air. A set of twin, fluffy antennae sprout from her head, allowing her a slightly enhanced sense of smell while also granting her exceptional spatial awareness. She also has a rather strange relationship with light, which can dazzle or confuse her if suddenly introduced or if revealed in abundance, which can cause momentary flying issues due to her light-oriented internal compass. Fortunately, the higher-level thought processes inherent in sentient beings allows her the ability to self-correct this compass, and even keep her head on straight in brightly-lit areas.

Sonic Manipulation [Skill]

Through focus and teaching, and a lot of arcane commune with eldritch spirits, Min can manipulate sound itself. While the use of this power really only rides off of the sound waves Min herself generates- either through use of her guitar or her voice- it allows her to do quite a bit by either utilizing the sound waves Harmonically or Chaotically. The former allows her to aid her allies, either through shielding or by using the power of music to help them ignore wounds, while also allowing her to calm, demoralize, or otherwise induce a variety of mind-effecting auditory magics upon enemy and targeted individual alike.   The Chaotic pickup allows her to take these effects, and instead turn their force up to eleven, allowing her to fire literal blasts of condensed sound much like one would fling a firebolt or other such missile. While the potential impact damage this creates is... interesting, it also only sees its full potential when Min is wielding her famed guitar.

Grulsabre [Asset]

A highly magical and eldritch axe-bladed guitar, Grulsabre is a mythical item from a land Min no longer calls home. It takes the form of an electric guitar, powered solely by the eldritch energies which crackle throughout its length when Min channels her powers through it, and serves largely to help her control and direct her powers of sonic mayhem, while simultaneously granting her favor with the Gods of Rock themselves. It is said that riffs shredded upon this mighty beast serve as tribute to these eldritch beings, who grant their favored continued power and sway over musical, magical forces.

"The difference between genius and madness is if others can hear the music."

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Gamma Haven
