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Event Name

Summer Camp 2023




Copper: Power
7 out of 8
Silver: Frontier
7 out of 8
Gold: Relics
1 out of 8
Diamond: Communication
0 out of 8

All Articles
15 out of 32

Copper: Power

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Everyone has power in some domain, even infants who are terrible, self-centered tyrants with their parents. The question is what is your domain, what is your power, and what will you do with that power?
My Goal
I hope to accomplish 3 articles the first week of Summer Camp, and plan another 2, gathering art etc. My official goal is 2. Overall, I expect that the power prompts will be the ones that I actually get the most accomplished in, although I think that week 3 might be very productive too.

Silver: Frontier

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Frontiers are places that live at the edge of what is known - the border, if you will, between safety and danger, between order and chaos, between the understood and the unknown.   Frontiers may be universal, but atomically, they are always personal, and they always take courage to traverse. They are the heart of the journey from where we are now to our dreams. They force us to grow.   But beware, they are not safe. No, Frontiers are never safe.  
My Goal
I will be lucky to get 1 article written during week two - I know my schedule and it's going to be brutal that week. But that is my goal.

Gold: Relics

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
The most interesting things about relics is their persistence in power - a kickback I suppose to week one. But items aren't relics because they are old, they are relics because they inspire and shape something in the now from something in the past. Relics are "left overs" that echo into the future, some good, neutral, some evil.   The most powerful relics are those that speak to the heart and resonate in the soul. They may be things, but their persistence means they are more. More than the item, more than the legend, they are a symbol of something common that hides in us all.
My Goal
My goal for week three will be to complete 3 articles. Not sure I can do it, but the worst of irl pressure should be over in week 2.   UPDATE: IRL is very pressure filled this week. Not sure I will get any work done on Silver prompts at all. Good thing is though that I've already done my 8 and more!

Diamond: Communication

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
The difficulty in communicating is not usually getting words from one place to another... It's in ensuring that you have expressed an idea or concept in a way that the receiver understands the intent. It is also reciprocal. Almost no one will bother to communicate with a one way transmitter - they tune them out.   Of course, failures in communication regularly start wars and break up relationships.   There's got to be a story in there somewhere doesn't there?
My Goal
Week 4 - 2 articles! That gives me one to spare over my total goal.


Copper: Power

Prompt 5
A culture that has suffered under the rule of a stronger nation
Prompt 6
Military Conflict
A conflict between two unequal powers in your world
Wild Card Prompt 9
A species known for its mischievous personality
Wild Card Prompt 10
A popular summer tradition that involves art and creativity

Silver: Frontier

Prompt 2
A settlement at the limits of the "known" or "civilized" world
Prompt 3
A job that takes its practitioners to remote or faraway places
Prompt 5
A useful plant found in a wild area of your world
Prompt 6
A material or natural resource that comes from a dangerous location
Wild Card Prompt 9
An iconic building or landmark representing a location
Wild Card Prompt 10
A letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world

Gold: Relics

Prompt 1
A tradition or behavior considered old fashioned
Prompt 2
An item of great cultural or religious significance
Prompt 3
An ancient city that is still inhabited in modern times
Prompt 4
A historical figure still venerated today and why
Prompt 5
A profession that has been rendered obsolete
Prompt 6
A children's tale or song based on a real world event
Prompt 7
A species now considered extinct
Prompt 8
A historical culture whose influeence is still felt today
Wild Card Prompt 10
Natural Law
A rare natural phenomena that most people look forward to

Diamond: Communication

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Prompt 8
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Wild Card Prompt 9
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Wild Card Prompt 10
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Summer Camp
