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Skill Attribute & Difficulty
Dex - Hard
This skill represents any advanced training at unarmed throws and grapples, not just the martial art.   Judo allows you to parry better bare-handed. Your parry score is (Skill/2) + 3, Rounded down. This parry is not at the usual -3 for parrying a weapon, greatly reducing the likelihood of injury when you defend against an armed for. In addition, Judo gives an improves bonus when you parry. Immediately after a successful Judo parry, you may attempt to throw your attacker if they are within reach. This counts as an attack. Roll vs your Judo skill to hit. Your foe may you a reaction to parry your hand with a weapon, if they fail their parry, you throw them.   When you throlw a foe, they fall where you choose. On a battle map, they land in any two hexes near you. One of these hexes must be their starting hex, your hex, or any adjacent to one of those hexes. Your victim must roll against Con, a failed roll stuns them. If you throw them into someone else, that person must roll against the higher of 12+Str, or 12+Dex to avoid being knocked down.   FInally, you may use your Judo skill instead of dexterity for any Dex roll made in close combat except to draw a weapon or drop a shield.   If you grapple a foe using Judo, and they fail to break free, you may make a Judo attack to throw them, exactly as if you had parried their attack.   To use Judo, any hand with which you with to parry or grapple must be empty.

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