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Animal Handling

Animal Handling
Skill Attribute & Difficulty
Int - Average
This is the ability to train and work with animals. You must specialize in a category of animals – the more intelligent the animals, the narrower the category.
Examples of interest to adventurers: Big Cats (jaguars, lions, tigers, etc.), Dogs, Equines (horses and donkeys), and Raptors (eagles, falcons, and hawks). The default between specialties is -2 within the same order (e.g., Dogs to Big Cats), -4 across orders (e.g., Dogs to Equines), and -6 for larger differences (e.g., Dogs to Raptors).   When working with a trained animal, roll against skill for each task you set the animal. This roll is at -5 if the animal is not familiar with you, -5 if the circumstances are stressful to the animal, and -3 or more if the task is a complex one. To put on an entertaining circus act, you must make a separate Performance roll!   This skill can also (sometimes) be used to quiet a wild, dangerous, or untrained animal. This roll is at -5 if the creature is wild or very frightened, or -10 if it is a man-eater or man-killer.   Finally, this skill gives an advantage in combat against animals within your specialty. If you have Animal Handling at level 15, an animal’s attack and defense rolls are at -1 against you, because you can predict its behavior. At skill 20, the animal’s rolls are at -2.

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