The Sisters of Judgement

So you want to know what happens if you fall during the hunt tomorrow? None of you have been to the crossroads?
  Why when I was your age I had fought at least six powerful ash beasts and fallen twice! Remember, honor does not find the cautious.
  Listen well, so when the day comes that you sit in my place, you can pass these truths on.
  It is said that when the world was covered with ash, Lydia called all of her daughters to her and chose three to stay behind and watch over the crossroads until her return. 
  Her eldest daughter, Kyvoth, always sought to improve her abilities and skills, striving for perfection. She is the first you will meet when you enter the Cave of Webs and appears as a giant wolf spider, her body glittering gold with bronze streaks. She will look at your greatest deeds and trophies taken throughout your life. If she finds you worthy, you will pass to the second chamber.
  Here you will see Lydia’s youngest daughter, Kymyneth, who was chosen because of her selfless love for her sisters. Her orb weaver body is brilliant silver covered in blue flecks like the shell of a winter lark’s egg. She knows how you have treated friends and family as well as the tribe as a whole and will show you images of when you have acted selflessly or selfishly. If she finds you worthy, you will pass to the final chamber.
  Within this room is a doorway of blue light that leads to the realm of the Gods. It is guarded by Kyfrynadai, the silent sister. Lydia’s most favored daughter, she has the ability to see into the spirit and know the truth of a person. She appears as a massive black widow, her body jet black with pinpricks of starlight like the night sky. She knows every secret that you keep. The weight of her gaze burrows into your soul and many fall to tears before her.
  It is only by gaining the approval of all three sisters that you will be given the choice to walk through the door and join the gods.
  Yes, I said choice. No one is forced to take that final step, although most do if they are deemed worthy.
  Me? I have stood before that door twice and both times I have returned.
  Why? Let’s just say there was someone I just couldn’t leave behind. Now stop sitting around and start preparing for your hunt tomorrow...
  May Athrysdai guide your spears and may the Sisters find you worthy if you fall.
  Gethyn Tars,
  Elder of the Santai Tribe of Totemreach
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