The Great Predator

Ashok the Predator

  “Yer no hunter, not yet lad. Ye need to think like a predator. 
  Smell the air, hear the wind, see the path the prey will take. 
  Listen to Ashok, he’ll be guidin’ ye. No one ever told ye about the best predator to ever live? Ashok be the one. 
  Once he’s picked a prey, there’s no hope for ‘em. No one knows really how any of the gods came about, understand, but near as I been told, Ashok acted as the hunter for the gods. 
  From the beginning, he was the quietest. His paws never made a sound. Quick, he were too. They say by the time any prey of Ashok’s became the slightest bit suspicious, it was all too late. The White Wolf was ruthless, and death would be assured. 
  The other Gods used him to hunt down those that displeased them, or threatened them. Ashok’s howl could freeze the blood in yer veins, boy. 
  If you ever hear it, assume your life’s already forfeit. Now, quiet, and let’s get our prey”
  -Excerpt from an arrested assassin’s journal
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