The First Mothkin Weavers

We know Lydia as a weaver of fates. Did you know, though, that it was Lydia who taught the mothkin to weave?
  Long ago, the mothkin were nothing more than worms. They lived deep in the ground where the sun never shone and the moon couldn’t see them.
  One winter the whole world froze. The mothkin wailed, huddled for warmth in the cold belly of the earth. They wept, for surely this was their end.
  Lydia heard the mothkin crying and came to them. At first they were afraid: they had never met someone so resplendent. She was gentle, though, and kind, and she taught them to weave their sticky tears into blankets of fine silk. Warm, the mothkin slept.
  When they awoke, Lydia was gone. The blankets fell away, and to their surprise, they found that they had arms, legs, wings! They took their first shaky steps into the caverns, each wrapped in silk.
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