The Faces of Shadow

Teaching of Tharanis

as told by -REDACTED-

  When we think of Tharanis, it is not as the masses do–a timeless man moving through the world, changing seasons like flipping the pages of a book. We do not imagine her scrawling down the mysteries of the world in a dimly lit library or atop a mountain with cherry blossoms. For people of our order, Tharanis is an ever-shifting being, constantly alternating between omniscient and newborn. In this she is much like the moon–her face has its phases–and it is these we draw and learn from.
  He begins as a young child, as all of us do. Only a thin sliver of the man he will become is visible to us. The crescent is the Daughter. There is so much hidden in what we cannot see–that which is not shared and that which is completely unknown. In this way, the crescent moon teaches us of secrets. We must be patient while working towards their discovery–all will be visible in time.
  The crescent waxes into a half moon, just as children grow up. Like the crescent, there is still shadow, but this is more to hide in, rather than for hiding. The shadows cloak the troublesome teen through all manner of mischief, and this is why the half moon is called the Maiden. We also call on this protection, asking Tharanis to cover our movements from our enemies, and she kindly guides us through the dark. And while we're in there, we might as well see what else there is to find, no?
  By the time he is a Father, Tharanis has seen life, and in caring for others, he becomes a teacher. The gibbous moon represents this Face. Memory is a record that he has kept all this time, one that we can study and learn from without experiencing everything ourselves. Mortals call this history. Only a fool ignores it.
  At his full power, Tharanis knows all. Like the full moon on a cloudless night, all is laid out for her to see. In this form she is the Crone, and her wisdom guides the other forms he takes. We must always keep the Crone in mind, for it is his wisdom that allows us to use our knowledge and skills in a way that is just. Without an understanding of when to exercise the lessons of the other Faces, they are useless at best and dangerous at worst.
  None of these phases last though. Just as the moon waxes, it must also wane. For all his wisdom and power, Tharanis cannot see all at once, all the time. The dark moon is when we are needed most. We must see what he misses and return with our findings. We must guard his shadow from those that would use it against him, and us. And, most importantly, we must guide those in the dark towards the light, until Tharanis returns.
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