Pantheon of Aldwa


The gods of Aldwa have many representations that are all loosely based on this pantheon- as far as the people of the world can agree, at least...   Each deity in the pantheon has power over a portfolio of multiple aspects or concepts. These aspects are fairly esoteric and have changed over time based on the practices of their worshipers. The aspects associated with the gods aren't limited to those listed in the pages here; although these are the most common interpretations, different cultures may ascribe other aspects to their portfolios.   The pantheon includes:   It is unlikely for Mortals to interact directly with a god, but rather the gods act through their Ascendants.  


  A god may raise a mortal into their house by making them an Ascendant. Ascendants created in this way often function as servants of that god, using the power granted to them to carry out the god’s will. Sometimes, a god may even grant an Ascendant power over a particular aspect of their portfolio. Functionally demigods, these beings wield power that is a magnitude greater than most mortals can achieve, but a magnitude less than what the gods possess.   The exact number of Ascendants is unknown. They are often identified by their incredible powers and unnaturally long lives.

Articles under Pantheon of Aldwa