Origin of Lydia

Lydia, the Weaver, was once a mortal woman who lived in a small village at the edge of a dark and foreboding forest. She was known for her skill in weaving intricate and beautiful tapestries, using threads of a rare silk found in the depths of the forest and shavings of silver, that seemed to make her art shimmer with an otherworldly light.
  One fateful night, Lydia ventured deep into the heart of the forest to resupply when she was drawn by a strange and haunting melody that seemed to call to her. There, she stumbled upon a hidden cave, where she encountered a powerful and ancient spider-like creature known as Anansi, the Weaver of Shadows.
  Anansi saw great potential in Lydia and offered to teach her the dark arts of weaving magic and death. Intrigued and eager for power, Lydia accepted the offer, becoming Anansi's apprentice and learning to harness the threads of fate and destiny.
  As Lydia delved deeper into the mysteries of the fate-weaving, she began to change, her once fair features taking on a more sinister and otherworldly appearance. Her skin began to darken and harden, her eyes glowed with an eerie violet light, and her touch brought death and decay to all she encountered.
  Eventually, Lydia surpassed her mentor, becoming a powerful and feared figure in the realm of the dead. She took on the mantle of the Weaver, creating intricate tapestries that foretold the fates of mortals and guiding souls to their final resting place.
  But the gods grew fearful of Lydia's power, seeing her as a threat to their dominion. They conspired to slay her, but Lydia, sensed their treachery. She bargained with them, stating that she would weave their own fate within their favor if they showed mercy upon her. The gods , fearful of what she could do, agreed and banished her into a realm known as "The Crossroads," a place of limbo where she could evade their wrath and continue to wield her powers unchecked.
  It is stated to capture a spider within a glass, or cup will awaken Lydia's wrath. And it is best to let the spider be. For a spider, kin to Lydia trapped cannot weave the web of the world, and do its purpose.
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