Campfire Story

"I remember everything about that night. It… It was chaotic but oddly, I remember everything I wore. The lights flashing around me, the screams! It was such chaos that I couldn't get my bearings. It was freezing, we were so hungry. I stumbled around in the darkness, lungs burning, and found myself on the road. In front of a caravel. I don't know why I froze then, like a deer. We're taught from a young age to never step in front of a caravel. But I did. And all I could think about was the stress, how I didn't fit in. I just froze.
  I heard a scream, but then all I heard, all I felt was blackness. Then a lightness. Separating from my body almost, and I stood. The world around me was gone. Well, the people and the caravels. A mist coated the ground, thick like a rug. And it was dark. No moon, no stars… Eerie, like even the trees were watching. Only then did my legs seem to work and I walked a few paces into the darkness, confused. I felt like I was floating. I called out into the darkness, and all I got in response was a growl. But I felt lured in.
  I went further into the darkness, and despite the lack of light I saw him clearly. It was unlike anything you've ever seen. Both shadow, and bone, and horn, all at once! It smelled foul, like death had decayed a pile of already decay, you know? It spoke to me, in a dark voice and I could only take more steps, but I wanted to run.
  "You've died." It said, and I couldn't say I was shocked. "I could give you what you need. I could bring you back." Basically. It's so difficult to recall exactly what it said, I was in such a state. "But you won't be the same."
  That's what really struck me. You see, being changed by beings like this, it upsets the jatziri. It makes them really angry, so often you get kicked out. But what other option is there? It wanted my voice, in exchange. I used to sing, that's how I made my living, when we went to towns. I whispered a plea, when you really face death you'll do anything.
  But then, the scream behind me… I swear it split my soul apart. I spun, finally not feeling frozen to my spot, and I turned, seeing the most beautiful woman in my life. Even thicker mist clung to her feet, floating around her. It snaked up her, and from her chest to the bridge of her nose it looked like a veil. The mist was blacker too, and she seemed to just float towards me. That's when I saw her eyes. Pure black, like coal. When she spoke, I saw no lips move. It came first in whispers, words I've never heard before. All around me, in me. When she was about ten steps away she stopped, and the first creature glared.
  The whispers made sense now, now that she was closer. "Get out of the road get out of the road get out the road get out of the road" over and over again. I wanted to flee, so I did. Just like the deer I was before! I started running, running back to… myself I guess but I heard a roar. I froze again, like a bastard, but I had to see. Slowly I turned and that same beautiful women… I… She… It was… Nightmare incarnate.
  Even the first creature fled, we both did then. I stumbled, but when I picked myself up, I was back in the chaos that killed me. Shoved off to the side like garbage. I was alive.
  They kicked me out then. Told me I was unsafe, that I smelled different. I still couldn't sing. I guess I agreed too fast. But I will not forget that women of nightmares and beauty."
  — A campfire story, told by an exiled Kafervolk
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