Aumun (Ah-Moon)

Aumun contains the vaulted districts within the mountain. The Li’ah are not keen to share what happens behind the great runic door or how their Great Forge operates. What is known is there are three distinct districts, each awaiting the day the people need to retreat underground again.


Mathair - Led by Au’Righ Ginko, this is the main vault district. It's the most protected and acted as the original housing area when the Li'ah first moved in. Now it houses the noble families.   Aunlia - Led by Lann Olia Dartan Roisin, Aunlis is a mining district and holds the Great Forge as well. This area is primarily used for work but those that know the secrets of the forge and it's magic do live here.   Dahlia - Led by Lann Olia Telina Torian, Dahlia is strictly used for farming the mushrooms, lichen, and other foods that sustained the Li'ah while they were shut in. It is considered bad luck to use this for anything other than production. No one lives in this area.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization