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Vabazuri's Backstory

In the world of Forgotten Artifacts

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Vabazuri's Backstory

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Vabazeri grew up on the streets of Sire’s Hollow. Her parents were helping work on a cure for the plague and left her in the care of an elderly innkeeper.  The innkeeper, Inana-dro, told her many stories of how Sire's Hollow used to be.  Of how wealthy merchants and even royalty roamed the streets.  Of how guards were more of a formality than a nessecity.


Sire's Hollow had been a grand city, vibrant and bustling with activity at all hours.  People wanted for very little.


Vabazeri had a difficult time believing Sire's Hollow had ever been anything other than impoverished, grimy, and rife with crime.  But the old woman's stories kept her company.  Her parents would send her letters--when they found the time-- but she found them rather dull.  


Though she was but a cub and had been well earned of the city's dangers, the inn was far too boring for little Zeri.  Even with the innkeepers colorful stories.


The more Vabazeri explored Sire's Hollow--carefully, mind you--the more sh began to believe the old woman's stories.  A closer look at crumbling architecture revealed intricate carvings, elegant swirls of leaves and feathers, and even depictions of great feasts and ancient heroes.  The temple, weathered and unkempt as it was, was still far to grand for some backwater village.  For goodness sake, hundreds of people could fit in there!  But she only ever saw 10 priests at most, and most of the locals had given up on asking for the gods' aid.


Where the soup kitchens had set up clearly used to be a massive market place.  Vabazeri was grateful she did not need to wait in those long, slow lines.  The tattered canopies did little to shield from the over bearing jungle sun.


The locals were interesting to Vabazeri.  She'd seen how easily fights broke out, so she tended to keep her distance.  Sometimes she even hid under the thick vines and foliage that seemed to grow on everything in sight.  In particular, she liked to watch the soldiers.  They were foriegners, stuck in Sire's Hollow  after their king had been assassinated.  They stuck out like sore thumbs, and seemed lost and aimless.  But they did their best to fit in, and aided the locals so frequently, they became known as the Shields of Sire's Hollow--sort of unofficial town guards.  They reminded Vabazeri a lot of herself.


It took Vabazeri about 3 weeks to find what was left of the library.  Everyday, she'd visit an dwork to clean it up so it could be her 'secret' hideout.  It was here that she found books on Sire Hollow's proud past.  All the innkeeper's tales were true.  But the plague and dragon attack had ruined the city.  Bandits regularly looted the town til it was empty.


Merchants, sailors, trademen, and wealth elite stopped traveling to the city, leaving it destitute.  The dragon’s magical fire had thoroughly scorched the earth, making farming impossible.  With little options left, many had turned to thievery just to survive.


Little Zeri couldn’t understand.  Why couldn’t other cities and rulers send aid?  Why didn’t everyone just leave?  Why did people fight over spoiled and worthless food?  Why did everyone act like this was normal?  Why did people do the things they did?  She rummaged around for some books in the library that might help her.


If only little Zeri had known.


Her parents letters usually came every 2 weeks.  She had become so interested in her new home, that she didn’t notice when 3 weeks had past with no word from them.  By week 4, The Shields had found her sneaking through her base, but she befriended them rather quickly.  They even taught her how to practice with a wooden sword.  During week 5 she kept busy running errands for The Shields.  Many of the locals quickly warmed up to her once they realized she’d be the one mainly delivering rations, healing supplies, and even letters!  Not that many people were getting mail…

Vabazeri asked Inana-dro  if she’d been playing hide and seek with her parents’ letters by week 6.  However, Zeri knew she hadn’t, of course.  Drani-dar had started teaching Zeri how to better sneak and search for things.  Zeri had practically turned that inn upside down in her search for the letters.  But she wasn’t too worried.  Mother and father often left for long periods of time and forgot to write.  Zeri knew where they were and what they were up to.  That part of the job they would tell her.  Their expertise was often incredibly needed.  And the work was often near unending.  Sometimes they didn’t have the time.  She knew that.  She wasn’t worried.  They always came back.


Inana-dro stayed silent, carefully watching the girl’s expressions


She once single handedly killed a dragon. (Partial truth, but not by herself no)
She secretly works for a queen. (Partial lie, has but only a few times and not officially)
Commanded a hunting party so badly they all died except for her. (lie)
She cheats at cards. (true)
Like most house cats she hates water. (lie)
Prefers to walk everywhere because she believes, “horses are slow”. (true)
She has a massive sweet tooth (true)

Vabazeri is a female Khajaxbi (cat-person) Rogue 1 / Ranger 8 / Wizard 1
She is 30-years-old
Her fur is light tan with dark brown clouded leopard pattern
She has mouse brown hair
Her alignment is chaotic good
She has deep blue eyes
She is 6 feet tall
She weighs 150lb

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