Scalenex Progress Report

Poison Detection Jewelry

magic gems that change color when near poisonous substances

1052 words

satyr footwear

uncommonly used satyr foot coverings

834 words

Basim, Confederate Satyr Apothecary And Reagent Dealer

Point of view character in East Colassia

218 words

Master of Clay

180 words

Xalbar the gnome

517 words

Count of East Lake

109 words

Crown Time Drain

A condition that reduces the life span of long-lived creatures

2291 words

magical armor buckles

buckles which bestow magical enhancements to attached armor

798 words

Sir Pie Eater

a self-deprecating Faun jester in Kantoc

901 words

tengku cross-race sales tactics

tengku haggling strategies

1433 words

Old Swynfaredia Region

region of Swynfaredia's original territory

877 words

Swynfaredian Grey Forest

section of the Grey Forest claimed by Swynfaredia

730 words

Old Talama Region

The region in Swynfaredia annexed from the fallen kingdom of Talama

729 words

Grey Forest Gilgren kobolds

Gilgren kobolds assimilated to Swynfaredian culture

934 words

Southwest Region of Swynfaredia

Swynfaredian region bordering Stahlheim and the sea

1203 words

Southeast region of Swynfaredia

region of Swynfaredia bordering Uskala and the sea

585 words

Lone Hill Duchy

Agricultural duchy with one decent sized town in it

379 words

County of Gruffyl

ancestral county of House Gruffyl

454 words

Duchy of Crescent Rock

Swynfaredia duchy sitting on the Fumayan border and housing several recurring villains

331 words

Cost of Living at different lifestyles

numeric guidelines for cost of living at different social levels

2127 words


overview of how potions and the like affect the economy and society of Scarterra

1381 words

Economics of magical items

how permanent magical items fit into Scarterra's economy

1627 words

Turquoise Hills County

the copper fueled cash cow realm of the villain Rohdri ap Gruffyl

872 words

Count of Gruffyl

180 words


170 words

I'd buy THAT for a copper piece! WIP

sample list of goods that cost a copper piece

95 words

Klarica County

A Swynfaredian country shaped economically, politically and even metaphysically by a large lead mine

1492 words

Count of Klarica

128 words

Duke of Crescent Rock

the feudal lord of the Duchy of Crescent Rock

136 words

Moonstone County

the ruling demesne of the Duchy of Crescent Rock

559 words

County of Ferrous Valley

A Swynfaredian County based around an iron mine that no longer exists

778 words

County of Dusk's Glory

a Swynfaredian county with a modest coal mine and a storied history

512 words

Garan, Swynfaredian Baker

point of view character for the Swynfaredian common man

117 words

The Order of Nicola

regional Tender group centered on preventing and curing lead poison

575 words

Tapukeah Nicola

176 words

Almon Genmaer, grey elf sailor

Point of View character, a well traveled patriotic grey elf sailor

169 words


historical Scarterran men and women of legendary piety and legendary deeds, akin to saints

491 words

Cisco the Red

265 words

Duchy of Greater Gorisonad

the ancestral duchy of House Gorisonad

495 words

County of the Sage

395 words

Count of Moonstone

169 words

Count of Sages

200 words

Purple Cow Placeholder index

I created this to keep track of where my purple cows are to replace them later

220 words

I'd buy THAT for a silver piece! WIP

sample of list of goods that cost a silver piece

67 words

County of Selwyth

255 words

Duchy of Dwyns

economic powerhouse of Gorisonad family in northern Swynfaredia

381 words

Duchess of Dwyns

179 words

Red Pass County

521 words

Red Countess

194 words

County of Lesser Dwyns

the central county of of the the Duchy of Dwyns

374 words

County of Apples

252 words

Count of Apples

153 words

rabbits and hares

598 words

Urban Taxes

690 words

expenses of landed nobles

putting numbers on costs for maintaining noble estates

1594 words

alchemist's paper

ink and paper treated to be resistant to the elements

468 words

Writing Supplies

84 words

Duchy of Greater Numaness

the ancestral Duchy of House Numaness

520 words

Duchy of Greater Fremiss

the ancestral duchy of House Fremiss, now a shadow of its former self

294 words

Duchy of Greater Kovenoth

the ancestral duchy of House Kovenoth, now facing persistent hard times

452 words

Duchy of Gareth

the ancestral ducal home of House Gareth, Swynfaredia's middle child

730 words

Duchess of Gareth

172 words

Duchy of Amethysts

a Swynfaredian duchy shaped by their unique natural resource

730 words

amethyst trees

Purple leaved trees with good reagent potential

633 words

Duchy of Caedwin

Swynfaredia's most unorthodox and progressive duchy

728 words

Duchess of Caedwin

159 words

Duchy of Peredur

Swynfaredian duchy kept artificially small

424 words

Duchess of Peredur

182 words

Duchy of Bryallan

the political center of the Fremiss-Bryallans

288 words

Duke of Bryallan

153 words

Duchy of Sion

secondary ducal fiefdom of Fremiss-Bryallan, somewhat divided

406 words

Duke of Sion

143 words

County of Victory

autonomous duchy claimed directly by the Queen of Swynfaredia

439 words


Not just a bar wench, THE bar wench of the @&$#& bar

155 words

demonic salt

cultural implications of salt coming from slain Void demons

838 words

salt, economics

overview of how salt is traded and used commercially

1073 words

Duchy of Nerseo

Swynfaredian duchy with large border with Uskala

803 words

Duchess of Nerseo

146 words

Duchy of Volodar

wooded coastal area in southeastern Swynfaredia

490 words

Duchess of Volodor

143 words

Duchy of Dragons' Mooring

Duchy supporting Swynfaredia's main seaport

434 words

Duchy of Andras

The mineral node of southeast Swynfaredia

394 words

Duke of Andras

138 words

How ordinary mortals worship the Nine

tent pole article summarizing common religious practices in Scarterra

3133 words

Duchy of Trysor

resource rich politically divided duchy in southwest Swynfaredia

345 words

Duke of Trysor

159 words

Duchy of Arfordir

modest coastal duchy in Swynfaredia

437 words

Duchy of Caregdya

Duchy acting as a microcosm for Fremiss' political divisions

340 words

County of Manasch

the ancestral home of House Manasch

290 words

Count of Manasch

196 words

County of Afon-Manasch

House Manasch's second county seat

303 words

Manasch Matriarch

308 words

Classes of Sorcerers in Swynfaredia

lengthy explanation of Swynfaredian social strata among sorcerers

2629 words


cereal crop that thrives in hot and dry climates

537 words

Duchy of Tirmyn

Resource rich duchy hampered by internal divisions

338 words

Duchess of Tirmyn

173 words

County of Aurdraig

236 words

Duchy of Gwynllan

Prosperous agricultural duchy hosting an ongoing political feud

395 words

Scalenex Progress so far

71667 words 716.67% completed!

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