The rich folk of Daglaci are melting the ice that holds up each and every city on the planet. The poor are forced to clean up their mess, when monsters from below emerge to slaughter the entire planet's population.
A continent on Capepo. Barbas consists of several hundred thousand islands scattered around a tropical ocean.
A fruit-bearing tree species from Capepo. The fruit produced are incredibly sweet and popular in desserts.
A species of capepan sloth. Sun sloths are decreasing in numbers, and are nightmares to breed in captivity.
A capepan sloth species. Mossy sloths favourite food are black licorice leaves, and the sheer amount that they consume is causing the trees to near extinction.
A genus of glires closely related to lagomorphs and rodents, yet resemble sloths.
A bird species from Daglaci. These birds fly thousands of metres above the towering cities, dominating the skies.
A wildlife park on Rubrinea. Rhodos Wildlife Park specialises in conservation and education.
Life is harsh on Daglaci. Nobody can truly escape the horrors that lurk beneath the thick sheets of ice coating the entire ocean planet.
An apocalyptic event that occurred seventy years ago on Rubrinea. The issue? Rubidians didn't like that the rain was green.
A list of some giant mushrooms of Emycelium. There are hundreds more species, but these are some of the most well known.
Here's how we support the conservation of animals, and how you can too!
A floating archipelago from Emycelium. The Spirit Isles are remote, and its ecosystems are diverse but fragile.
A primate species from Daglaci. Daglacian yetis are thought to be incredibly dangerous, but who knows if they truly are.
A term to describe anyone native to Auvarha, or who's close heritage hails from this planet.
A technological gadget used to modify the terrain of the ocean beds of planet Auvarha.
An intelligent species from Auvarha. Abyssal merfolk occupy the ocean beds across the planet, transforming and terraforming them to a great extent.
A feline species from the Aucherm Belt in the Cheem System. Orbit kitties like to plummet onto planets to unexpectedly greet people and beg for food.
The debut studio album of Igna Fire. The seven songs take you on a journey through Igna's life as a pirate refugee from Sacaethea.
A storm raging around Temperil for the last million years, only getting stronger and stronger.
A tree species from Capepo. Barrel berries are popular on other planets and in space for their versatility.
An intelligent species from Auvarha. Tropic merfolk are a worldwide species, inhabiting, lakes, coastal waters, and open oceans.
A planet in the Cheem System, full of horrific environments and dreadful monsters.
A fashionable clothing item from Temperil. Old bear biters were made from the skins of roller bears; nowadays, faux fur is used.
A planet painted all shades of red. Rubrinea is home to unusual people and peculiar places.
Billions call Maresa home, a refuge, a sanctuary. Abandoned planets and decimated civilisations all seek new homes on Maresa, the backbone of life in the Milky Way.
An organisation set up to protect planet Earth, now owned by Jupiter.
A Capepan tradition that occurs on the winter solstice each year. Baking beans apparently brings good fortune in the upcoming year.
A fragile planet protected from visitors. Its ecosystems are on the brink of collapse.
An invasive subterranean bird species from Xiskin. They have terrorised the cave ecosystems on Maresa.
A network of caverns underneath Xiskin. Home to unusual life-forms.
A list of elements in the Periodic Table and their many uses in the Yonderverse.
A pepper species from Capepo, exclusive to the peak of a single mountain.
A warm, glowing light invites you in with open arms. Emerging through the blinding wormhole, you open your eyes and witness the unfolding of a solar system. Your starship rattles as a fleet of cargo ships pass above you, trailing behind flecks of tiny stardust. Shrill voices echo from an asteroid belt not far from where you landed. You can make out several planets orbiting a pair of stars, each one so unique, yet all orbit in harmony. You are here. You are home.
I hope you find joy and comfort in my not-so-little corner of World Anvil <3
I enjoy a whole host of shows but my 3 comfort shows on constant rotation are:
Derry Girls
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Subnautica: Below Zero
Slime Rancher
Slime Rancher 2