LeeStepp Progress Report

Sene River

540 words


2353 words


2396 words


4165 words

Idraren Draren

2066 words

Hadje Sabertooth

2712 words

Ruwa Sea Cow

2449 words


7513 words

Netjer Pesedjet

The myths and pantheon of the Masriyyin and their legend of Creation

6507 words

Khalifah al-Rasul

5043 words

Dawn Ahrayn

3512 words

Bennu Phoenix

1228 words


1249 words


2478 words

Rompo Skunk

1584 words


1308 words


2300 words

Idraren Bear

1353 words


1892 words

Molte Cloudberry

1498 words

Alpine Juniper

A widespread coniferous species found in cold, mountainous regions and often used for protective charms

1927 words

Norsk Malurt

1282 words

Griper Grass

1215 words

LeeStepp Progress so far

58570 words 585.7% completed!

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Aspiring creator and novice writer. While I get a lot of ideas, I have a lot of skills to sharpen to bring the best out of my characters, worlds and plots.

The project of my current focus is the world of Emynea (although I called it Accia for a long time!). This is a story I've been imagining and piecing together since I was in middle school. This world got me through hard times, I hope it might spur the imagination for others as well. I think it has a lot of potential and only hope I can do it justice! I love the characters, the magic, the story and I hope I can share it in a way other people can enjoy it too!

I also have some plans for other worlds once this project becomes more stable/finishes. Any of the worlds I put up aside from Emynea I definitely am looking for collaborators. I have a lot of ideas for worlds I just don't have the time to pursue or develop further until this one is finished. So if you would like to do something with the other world settings, story or game or whatever else, please message me I'm more than willing to hand it off or heavily collaborate on them!!! I greatly enjoy feedback as I'm trying desperately to improve, anything helps! Even negative feedback is helpful.

You may notice a lot of AI art on my articles and writing. I understand it is controversial to use these programs but I wanted to state here that I use it only because I lack the artistic skill to do my own art and because I have no money to commision art. If I had the money I would love to support artists! But I am unemployed and disabled so this is my remaining option. Quite a bit of work still goes into the art I use too! Whether running hundreds of alternate descriptions through different styles or cycling the art through the generator many times, over and over, until I have something close to what I'm looking for. I also edit some of the work myself too! Hopefully, in the future I can afford commisions but for now I'm making use of these tools for my creative process. Also, if you see some of these peices and would like to use it for yourself, leave a comment or send me a message and I can give permision to use it! Or you can check out my DeviantArt where there is a gallery labelled "Free to Use", everything in it living up to that title! Check it out here:

Favorite Movies


Favorite Writers

S.L. Farrell/Stephen Leigh

Favorite Games

Pokemon, Zelda, Rune Factory, Fable, SMT among others.

Latest Loved work


Titan Ecological Academy

WorldAnvil Banner Collection

Planktonic Storm

Riddle Me This

Caste Systems in Worldbuilding: Crafting Compelling Social Structures

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Finish 2023 with an achievement — Start 2024 with a bang
We challenge you to write 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content this December. Check out the prizes and rules below!
All you need is a free World Anvil account, grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!