Greetings, fellow adventurer! I go by the name of Graylion, a seasoned ttrpg gamer, player, gamemaster and storyteller. My love affair with gaming began with Dungeon & Dragons. I starting with the Basic or BECMI Edition, and I've had the pleasure of playing and running every edition released over the years. Yet my story continues across diverse systems and settings. I have awakened from the lie of reality, walked under alien suns, stalked in the shadows of the masquerade, consumed spice on the shifting sands, survived a world gone mad and much more.
A pivotal moment in my personal growth came when I joined the remarkable World Anvil community in 2019. Now, let me confide in you my two greatest challenges on the current leg of my journey: time and tabletops. My world-building and gaming pursuits are cherished hobbies that I nurture amidst the demands of a long workweek, a workweek unrelated to world-building. Starting in 2023 I began taking small steps to find my footing in the realm of digital tabletop gaming (VTTs) to connect with my fellow gamers.
Here, within my Nexus World, you will discover the heart of my world-building projects, as well as the current games and platforms that have captured my curiosity. Join me as we explore uncharted territories and create tales that shall echo through the ages. Together, we shall forge our legends in the realms of imagination.
Favorite Movies
Dune 2020
Lord of the Rings
Pitch Black
Favorite TV Series
American Gods
Babylon 5
Battlestar Galactica
The 100
True Blood
Favorite Books
Dresdin Files
Dune Saga
Game of Thrones
Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
Song of Ice & Fire
Wheel of Time

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Favorite Writers
Brandon Sanderson
Brian Herbert
Frank Herbert
George RR Martin
J. R. R. Tolkien
Jim Butcher
Kevin J Anderson
Monte Cook
Robert Jordan
Tad Williams
Favorite Games
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
Storyteller Style
Chronicles of Darkness
Exalted 3rd Edition
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium
Star Trek Adventures
Victory System
Fading Sun - Prerelease
Board Games
Twilight Imperium 3e
Twilight Imperium 4e