SparkyTheSec0nd Progress Report

Feel free to check out my world Astraesto!


The capital of the Kingdom of Apreas, and a powerful planet in its own right

1736 words

1st Army of the Federation

The oldest unit of the Federation Federal Army

1190 words

Michael Oberyn

The most controversial President in Federation history

1185 words

4G Radiance Class Battleship

A class of Federation battleship used during the late 40th, and early 41st centuries

1286 words

Attack on Blayen Central Command Base

A significant conflict fought during one of the most deadly battles of the 2nd Galactical War

1181 words

FNV Iomhare

The first in a new class of warship, one that may well change the way space warfare is conducted

1065 words

FNS Eloise J. Clark

One of the most potent anti-piracy ships of the Federation Navy

845 words

System Fleets

The most common division of naval force in the Federation Interstellar Navy

852 words

SparkyTheSec0nd Progress so far

10723 words 107.23% completed!

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"You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it"

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  • The Belgariad
  • Game of Thrones
  • Percy Jackson
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  • The Last of Us
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  • Bloon's Tower Defence
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