Rumengol's WorldEmber 2022 - 8/ 24 prompts completed | World Anvil

Rumengol Progress Report

Hoo~ Hoo


1449 words

Crown's hunters

For as long as creatures roamed the night, hunters followed. The history of London itself is moulded by the hands of countless individuals working in the shadows. Gathered by the Queen, they are now more organised than ever.

2652 words

Aftermath Party

446 words

The Depths Below

Beneath the ground of London is a long way down a spiral of madness. Follow the steps of the Alchemist as he guides you until the very depths of Earth.

2951 words


Imagine losing the threads of your thoughts one by one, until the very grasp on reality seems to avoid you. When the pressure of the occult overwhelms the awakened, insanity rise and takes over.

1040 words

The Neverending

589 words

Rumengol Progress so far

11245 words 112.45% completed!

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Bios are hard.  

Currently working on

  The secret projecttm. It's a new world, subscribe to get notified of the release.  

On temporary standby

  A webnovel taking place in the world of The Five Skies  

Active-ish project

  Après la Brume   The Spheres of Oblogga   I.D.E.A.   Real-Life Worldbuilding   The Alchemist's Sanctum   An interactive fiction set in the world of the Canticles.

Premier League

Latest Loved work

Post-Rain Displacement

Metadimensional Storms

Cloudburst Coastside

Karkhalan Planet Marker

Flora of the Algol

Pride Flags