Paul Norris's WorldEmber 2022 - 13/ 24 prompts completed | World Anvil

Paul Norris Progress Report

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!

Capitol Region

834 words


1182 words


741 words

The Parchland

782 words


624 words

Kella's Basin

868 words

The King's Ascent

862 words

The Scar

483 words


931 words

Garren Sabah

779 words

King of Naemore

658 words

Paul Norris Progress so far

10059 words 100.59% completed!

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I am making mostly one world - Linebound - as the setting for a tabletop game I hope to one day run.   In recent years I have taken a big interest in bicycle touring and bikepacking and have started to look at bike rafting. The world awaits!

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