Baklor's WorldEmber 2022 - 166/ 24 prompts completed | World Anvil

Baklor Progress Report

Session 2 Report- 2022/08/27

As the party approaches the House of Healing, the scene looks a bit different than when you left the previous day.

3358 words

Session 3 Report- 2022/09/23

As the party goes down the lift, Telchar begins assessing the risk level of their descent. Is someone going to try and jump the party at the bottom?

2304 words

Session 4 Report- 2022/10/15

In the dark and moonless night, the party finds itself hundreds of feet above the tree tops in a strange land.

1078 words

Session 5 Report- 2022/10/29

Just as the party was to begin to interrogate the Orc, they heard a rustle under another of the bunk beds. All of the party, including the Orc, readied themselves for another battle.

1245 words

Session 6 Report- 2022/11/06

The party made it’s final preparations to burst into the Great Ulfe’s quarters and attempt to take him out

1384 words

Session 7 Report- 2022/12/03

Sending Bjoyn in as a Scout (with extremely good vision, and extremely BAD stealth!), he led the party down the stairs and into the cavern below.

2162 words


Courana is a strong willed and educated woman on the History of the area around @[Blasingdell](settlement:65f74b40-9708-490a-8494-b9ed92fe7d72).

141 words

The Great Ulfe

Great Ulfe is a fierce ogre who leads the orcs of the Mountain Door, known as @[The Bloody Eye Tribe](organization:8c9a2a30-9af9-4d3b-a8e2-af8de86af4c8).

138 words

Old Yarrack

127 words

Durgeddin Stonehammer

Durgeddin Stonehammer, also known as Durgeddin the Black was a mountain dwarf soldier, smith, and patriarch of @[The Stonehammer Clan](organization:1f715cb3-682e-4ac7-9932-193a11be2a6a).

251 words

Church of Fenmarel Mestarine

Those most likely to worship Fenmarel Mestarine were pariahs and tribes of wild elves struggling to survive in a world hostile to their kind.

265 words

Session 8 Report- 2022/12/17

The party averts a Hunting Party, breaks into the Forge of Fury, and strikes a deal to get closer to slaying the Black Dragon known as Nightscale.

2839 words

House Brossfeather

Brossfeather was a noble Waterdhavian house that had a long history of wealth and prosperity for over a hundred years as of the 14th century DR. Their holdings were in forestry and lumber businesses.

139 words


Ghared is a @[Duergar](species:9087cb49-6570-4645-9c46-d30100ea9056) who is tasked with guarding the Great Hall within @[The Foundry](location:55d65462-a785-4062-8def-65dc469ee79a).

388 words


Snurrevin oversees the work to restore the Durgeddin's Forge to it's former magic item producing glory.

369 words

The Skullcrusher Clan

These pale-skinned dwarves were feared and reviled throughout the Underdark for their cruelty and their penchant for enslaving other Duergar in their mines near @[Gracklstugh, City of Blades](settlement:90821f21-db9c-4bf4-8abc-111564382fce).

254 words

The Stonehammer Clan

Clan Stonehammer was led by @[Durgeddin Stonehammer](person:e2f4078a-9a8a-47e8-805b-c1327b2019ac) before the fall of @[Khundrukar](location:be066d29-962e-4578-848c-23615c4cdcc3).

160 words


Nimira is in charge of Duergar Clan who are trying to restore Durgeddin's Forge. She is an excellent fighter, but she is pragmatic and willing to negotiate in the right circumstances.

591 words

Prince Andru

The Bralian monarch is a slender, graceful man of 44 years. Self-serving and devious, he firmly believes that the end justifies the means.

625 words

The Rock of Bral

Bral is a city built on an asteroid. Its inhabitants, who hail from many worlds, typically refer to Bral as "The Rock". There is no other place quite like it in Wildspace.

3509 words

Underbarons of Bral

Four underbarons, each one equivalent to the master of a thieves’ guild, compete among themselves for greater shares of influence and income in the city.

552 words

Docks of Bral

Most ships approach Bral at the asteroid’s leading edge, where a set of wooden docks extends into Wildspace to provide berths for new arrivals.

80 words

High City

Rising above the rest of Bral on the trailing edge of the asteroid, the High City is a green, spacious expanse that holds Prince Andru’s palace, called Starhaven, and various noble estates.

415 words

Middle City

The financial and mercantile center of Bral, the Middle City is home to thousands of Bralians who can afford to live outside the Low City but don’t have the privilege or means to dwell behind the walls of the High City.

482 words

Low City

The beating heart of the Rock lies in the warren of streets and crowded markets of the Low City. It buzzes with activity at all hours, its streets choked with boisterous peddlers, clamorous beggars, and sneaky thieves.

578 words


The underside of the Rock is under the purview of the prince. No private citizens are allowed to reside here. The surface area is devoted mostly to fields that are planted and cultivated to replenish Bral’s supplies of food and air.

196 words

Gadaric Main

Gadaric is a hot-headed and unreliable wizard, with the appearance of a stereotypical elderly court magician. He serves as the chief advisor to @[Prince Andru](person:685af2bf-8934-4c62-8c3c-7fd53072d8d5).

284 words

Mahaxara Khal

Mahaxara, the current captain of @[The Royal Guard](organization:f57ab9cd-1abf-4dc3-afab-9f58c7426764), is tall and athletic. She has snake tattoos adorning her arms. She is unflinchingly loyal to House Cozar, though she has no appetite for politics.

129 words

Ozamata Ku Murawa

Ozamata Ku Murawa was a human thief, one of the Underbarons of Bral, the leader of House Murawa, and the founder of the Yakuza thieves' guild on the Rock of Bral in the mid-to-late 15th century DR.

413 words


The Yakuza were a thieves' guild operating in the city of Bral on @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc).

152 words

Meredin Sandyfoot

The Underbaron of the Middle City is the halfling Meredin Sandyfoot. He gained his position through his leadership of the halfling Thieves’ Guild.

115 words

Halfling Guild

The Halflings' Guild of Bral is the Theives' Guild in that city least likely to have someone killed, or to steal from the starving.

368 words

Sandyfoot Trading Company

Owned by @[Meredin Sandyfoot](person:5fd280d0-511e-4d40-9d9d-3de3f5e0ab35), the Trading Company specializes in Textiles.

97 words

The Juggler

This chaotic good elf oversees a network of swindlers and minstrels as one of the @[Underbarons of Bral](organization:4ad7f509-eb72-49a9-9561-4888f0804b55).

109 words

Juggler’s Folk Guildhouse

Operating behind the facade of a small backstreet playhouse, the guild of thieves known as @[The Jugglar's Folk](organization:3d072aad-91d2-45c4-988b-20770a787079) doubles as an acting company that puts on bawdy and crass comedies to maintain their ruse.

108 words

The Jugglar's Folk

The mysterious Juggler’s Folk are an elite band of mountebanks and swindlers who control portions of the @[Middle City](settlement:7e6a0b06-336f-4c69-b3e4-087d0d04422f) and all of the @[High City](settlement:48535c2b-d9c1-4b32-96cb-b9dd9eb74ebb).

237 words

The Red Masks

The Red Masks are a newer and smaller group within @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc). They are a desperate and violent band, fighting for a territory they can claim as their own.

217 words


Standing at the highest point topside, @[Prince Andru](person:685af2bf-8934-4c62-8c3c-7fd53072d8d5)’s palace of Starhaven crowns the Rock.

304 words

Lake Bral

Lake Bral fills a chasm and provides most of the water that sustains @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc)’s population.

172 words

Festival Grounds and Arena of Frun

The Festival Grounds is a broad parkland used for public gatherings on holidays and as a recreation spot at other times.

69 words

Library of The Spheres

The Library of the Spheres boasts a vast collection of tomes, scrolls, and other manuscripts.

82 words

The Man-o'-War

For those feeling fancy or for whom fanciness is a way of life, the Man-o’-War, with its view overlooking @[Lake Bral](location:89de59d6-2fce-4740-8d25-36ac91f2ba32), is the finest restaurant and inn in the city.

108 words

Royal Theatre Company

The Royal Theater has been in operation for over sixty years. The company’s lavish stage productions often feature magical illusions and pyrotechnical special effects.

46 words

Temple District

The temples in the Temple District are devoted to various gods, faiths, and pantheons.

82 words

The Donjon

The Donjon is a walled fortification near the shore of @[Lake Bral](location:89de59d6-2fce-4740-8d25-36ac91f2ba32) where some offenders and malefactors against the crown are held.

129 words

The Edge

69 words

Elmander's Star Charts

These maps don’t come cheap, each one priced between 300 and 800 gold pieces, but the owner of an Elmandar map can bring it back to the shop at any time for an update at no charge.

138 words

Gaspar's Reclamations

Gaspar’s Reclamations specializes in recovering magic items, gems, and works of art on behalf of its clients.

78 words

Great Market

A chaotic expanse of small vendors, street performers, beggars, orators, merchants, and customers of all descriptions, the Great Market is the hub of the @[Middle City](settlement:7e6a0b06-336f-4c69-b3e4-087d0d04422f).

110 words

Red Masks Guildhouse

Fronted by a modest tavern, the Red Masks Guildhouse is located within a series of linked cellars beneath the streets.

157 words

Mages' Guildhall

A sturdy three-story tower, the Mages’ Guildhall is the headquarters and meeting place of the @[Mages' Guild of Bral](organization:9c52b24f-ce9e-42f8-ab96-0b05d14f5fcb).

50 words

The Sindiath Line

The Sindiath Line is a charter service that ferries passengers from Bral to destinations throughout Wildspace, including other Wildspace systems.

67 words

The Smith's Coster

The largest and most successful merchant company based on the Rock is the Smith’s Coster, which maintains a fleet of trading vessels and several warship escorts.

220 words

Valkan's Legion Hall

A meeting place and mustering point for the members of Valkan's Legion

131 words

Valkan's Legion

The largest group of soldiers on the Rock, aside from the forces commanded by @[Prince Andru](person:685af2bf-8934-4c62-8c3c-7fd53072d8d5).

152 words

The Drydock

Referred to as the drydock, the shipyards, or simply the yards, this large, flat area along the leading edge is where ships are built and repaired.

45 words

The Happy Beholder

This prosperous tavern is owned and run by @[Large Luigi](person:27bd2f06-08e7-465a-b988-9a3e06535a05), a locally famous, lawful neutral beholder.

105 words

Lesser Market

The Low City’s marketplace is much smaller and shabbier than the @[Great Market](landmark:5f44b841-a87d-4246-8b10-4f5b6b32ce60) of the @[Middle City](settlement:7e6a0b06-336f-4c69-b3e4-087d0d04422f).

108 words

Mercane Agency

The place is occupied by a small staff of agents who act as an intermediary between the mercanes and those who want to do business with them. Such business typically involves the purchase of spelljamming helms and other magic items.

149 words

The Rockrat

Of all the taverns on Bral, the Rockrat has the reputation of being the most dilapidated and filthy.

84 words

Xenotermination, Ltd. Headquarters

This is the headquarters of @[Xenotermination Ltd.](organization:dd7a34de-740a-4d85-8060-bf4cf48c0f02). This small group of highly capable combat specialists and spellcasters makes a living by hiring themselves out to capture or kill formidable Wildspace

62 words

Xenotermination Ltd.

This small group of highly capable combat specialists and spellcasters makes a living by hiring themselves out to capture or kill formidable Wildspace creatures.

122 words

The Citadel

The well-defended fortress at the center of the underside is the command center and barracks for Bral’s army.

100 words

Fields of Bral

The fruits, vegetables, and grains harvested from the fields on the underside keep the Rock’s occupants well fed without the need for imported foodstuffs.

81 words

Bral Naval Base

Along the leading edge of the underside is an array of docks where ships of the royal navy are berthed. At any time, at least two or three ships are actively stationed at the docks, prepared to depart at a moment’s notice.

101 words

Prisoner Barracks

Convicts who have been sentenced to hard labor on the underside are housed in two rectangular, windowless buildings connected to the Citadel by narrow walkways.

67 words

The Vanes

The vanes, extending out from four towers on the trailing side of the asteroid, are enormous sails that can be moved to generate a disturbance in the Rock’s air envelope, causing the Rock to rotate or turn in a certain direction if the need arises.

87 words

Mages' Guild of Bral

Relatively large by groundling standards, the mages’ guild is a loose federation of all the wizards of the city.

183 words


Maya is a sleek, agile wererat with dark fur and piercing yellow eyes. She is fiercely independent and fiercely protective of those she considers family, which includes the staff at her restaurant, The Rockrat

265 words

Large Luigi

Large Luigi was a beholder who ascended the Spindle on the planet H'Catha and thereby obtained ultimate knowledge of the universe.

751 words

Valkan Riogan

Valkan is a clever commander, always thinking several steps ahead and adapting his tactics to suit the situation.

257 words


Elmandar was an elf or half-elf mage and noted astronomer in the city of Bral on @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc).

114 words

Bralian Navy

The Navy was the typically defensive (but offensive if needed) arm of @[Prince Andru](person:685af2bf-8934-4c62-8c3c-7fd53072d8d5) on the @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc).

88 words

Shrii Hallek

Shrii Hallek is the manager of @[The Man-o'-War](landmark:5ca8fe95-4806-4b37-94b3-6ff54653f885) restaurant .

331 words

Council of Captains

The Council is the most powerful of the civic bodies, controlling about 80% of the wealth of Bral.

213 words

The Fireball Alliance

The Fireball Alliance is a small organization of native Bralian mages who have sworn to use their powers in the defense of the Rock.

166 words

The Seekers

The Seekers are an organization of knowledgeseekers who try to amass information about the spheres and peoples of @[Wildspace](location:a3c28594-748a-474e-aff1-9ad48cdb959a).

181 words


Cerena was the consort of @[Prince Andru](person:685af2bf-8934-4c62-8c3c-7fd53072d8d5).

157 words

Tears of Selûne

1346 words

Langdedrosa Cyanwrath

Langdedrosa Cyanwrath was a half–blue dragon and a @[Wearer Of Purple](rank:f76aaf84-5e6b-433d-977b-07ce1fb26bde) within the reformed @[The Cult of The Dragon](organization:3c690681-3e13-4372-b31a-3bf0187e3fad).

169 words


The Xanathar was a title held by the beholder leader of the @[Xanathar's Thieves' Guild](organization:9ba59a0a-1eb5-4e61-8666-9928a1119c6c).

87 words

House Cozar

The first noble house of @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc). It was founded by Pirate Captain Cozar in the mid 13th Century DR.

64 words

Kastenoph Nesher

Kastonoph "Noph" Nesher was a noble teenage son of Lord Laskar Nesher, patriarch of the Nesher family, who was involved in various illicit activities in Waterdeep. He was betroved to Camzel Brossfeather, against both of their wills.

1086 words

Laskar Nesher

Laskar Nesher was a Waterdhavian noble, patriarch of @[House Nesher](organization:adefcd72-a1e1-4978-8a03-9ecd825b544a) family of Waterdeep and an owner of an illicit logging empire.

202 words

The Royal Guard of Bral

The Royal Guard has a long and storied history, dating back to the early days of the Rock of Bral and the founding of @[House Cozar](organization:5b656b19-8f9d-49bd-904f-a328552ba526).

189 words


In the depths of the Underdark, particularly in @[Gracklstugh, City of Blades](settlement:90821f21-db9c-4bf4-8abc-111564382fce), Karron was a name that struck fear into the hearts of all who knew it.

398 words

Paladin Jesus

"Paladin Jesus. I know I say this everytime... but this ONE LAST TIME, I'm begging." -Stratus

219 words

The Noble Council

The nobility of Bral is a fractured group of wealthy landowners each pursuing his own goals. Some are powerful merchants, while others are dilettantes living off their ancestors' hard-earned fortunes.

95 words

Aric Cozar

The son of @[Calar](person:1cff02bb-e918-4ae6-9c93-f1074c60c897) and nephew of @[Prince Andru](person:685af2bf-8934-4c62-8c3c-7fd53072d8d5).

142 words


Lord Hastain is a @[Reigar](species:c87c9127-209d-48a2-8377-4bf0ca17e66f) who lives in a noble villa by the Edge. His home is an endless party of bizarre entertainments and undisguised depravity.

178 words

Basa Lianin

Basa is a tall young woman of about 25 with an abrasive manner. She is the lady of the House Lianin, a thriving merchant family founded by a pirate captain who was bought off by Cozar.

111 words

Kiade Ellodan

Kiade is the head of the only house of elven nobles on @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc), the House Ellodan.

131 words

Morgan Kullek

Morgan is a brilliant merchant and hides his formidable mind behind a sour attitude of bickering and complaint.

133 words

Arkan Nobrodukk

Arkan is the only dwarvish member of the Noble Council. A retired adventurer, he has held his position since Cozar's day.

128 words

Isandra Calanda

Isandra is a trim woman of 40 years with clean good looks and a warm personality. She made her money the old fashioned way—she inherited it.

92 words

Niesse Hurnoc

Niesse is the senior representative on the Rock of the company known as @[The Smith's Coster](landmark:bd175def-8a09-40ad-a561-0629cba18e32).

147 words

Vasgar Eirenfezt

A tall and bony man, Vasgar is the Senior Agent for @[The Chainmen](organization:7e12e70f-4ac0-4772-b483-380b4c9eaa43).

125 words

Tarilia Moune

Tarilia was once a famous adventurer, a dashing swashbuckler with a lightning-quick rapier and an even quicker wit. A small, slim woman in her late fifties, age has scarcely touched her.

156 words

Talosa Baniasar

Talosa is a handsome young elf with a checkered career in crime and treachery. He is exceptionally slight and graceful, even for an elf, and possesses a sharp wit and even sharper tongue.

142 words


Daargaz is the leading representative of the Arcane on the Rock of Bral. While most cities are only briefly visited by the traders of Wildspace, the Arcane maintain a permanent presence on Bral.

151 words

Nolan Devries

Nolan represents the small company of Gaspar's Reclamations, supervising the activities of the dozen or so employees who staff the office on the Rock.

85 words

Bianca Micharle

ianca is the Secretary to the @[Council of Captains](organization:a16de895-7aa9-4e0e-b259-a2235ccfec99), and acts as Andru's representative in the Council meetings.

156 words

Ambassadors To Bral

The Rock of Bral is home to one of the most diverse populations in all of Wildspace. Its open nature makes Bral the ideal site for dialogue and exchanges between all manner of races. Because of its size and importance, most known races maintain permanent

208 words

Marianon SIlmara

Marianon is an admiral of the Elven Armada and the current ambassador to the Rock of Bral. She is a tall, powerful elf with a beautiful face and raven-black hair.

184 words

Gaeredan Celedir

Gaeredan is the chief aide to Admiral @[Marianon SIlmara](person:9650bac6-c0ed-489b-a20a-f3b7d05d6aad). He is a silver-haired elf of great age who has lived on Bral for more than 40 years.

106 words


Ishathrandra is the head of the illithid embassy to @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc). This duty is considered extremely distasteful by most spacefaring mirid flayers, and Ishathrandra is in disfavor.

161 words


135 words

Saerig Tomojak

General Tomojak is a hero of legendary proportions to most giff, a leader to be followed and admired. He is a rather poor diplomat, but the considerable giff community follows his orders without hesitation.

169 words

Chan Fu Wi

Lord Chan is the Shou emissary to Bral. He is a dignified old statesman in his late seventies who was once a formidable warrior.

150 words

Gamalon Idogyr

Gamalon is the most powerful mage in Bral. He is a man of indeterminate age, marked by old scars across his face and a green gem which replaces one of his eyes.

152 words

The Pragmatic Order of Thought

The Order, sometimes referred to as "The POTS" by its detractors, is one of the few organizations on Bral motivated by something beyond crass gain.

176 words

The Tenth Pit

The Pit is an elite evil group dedicated to the covert conquest of all the spheres. A secret dark sphere is rumored to contain a Black Citadel where the leaders of this heartless alliance plot the subversion of all Wildspace.

128 words

The Watchers

The Watchers are the spies of Bral, a small and select group of thieves, warriors, and scrying mages, in the service of the Crown. They are under the direct supervision of Mardan Rhom, Prince Andru's spymaster.

207 words

The Long Fangs

One of the most notorious mercenary organizations of Wildspace, the Long Fangs are a brotherhood of chaotic and evil warriors who sell their swords to the highest bidder.

178 words

The Trading Company

A staunchly neutral mercenary organization which provides both soldiers and weapons to various conflicts. The Trading Company, as a matter of ethical policy, only aids one side of a struggle.

194 words

The Chainmen

The Chainmen are human slavers who are, at this time, banned from Bral. However, they do operate clandestinely through the front of the merchant house Eirenfezt.

186 words

The Dwarven Boarding Company

One of the finest mercenary companies in all Wildspace is the fabled Dwarven Boarding ComCompany, a group of warriors-for-hire who specialize in naval combat.

126 words

Tareo Mosantas

Tareo is a slender half-elf at the height of his physical prowess, graceful and strong. He is the heir of the House Mosantas, a descendant of pirates and scoundrels.

143 words

Ellana Cozar

Ellana is a tall, beautiful woman in her fifties. She habitually dresses in black and is known for her regal bearing. She was the wife of @[Calar](person:1cff02bb-e918-4ae6-9c93-f1074c60c897).

144 words

Lord Ostric

A tall, regal man showing his seventy years, Ostric is the Chamberlain of the palace. He is responsible for scheduling Prince Andru's audiences and for observing the formalities of the court. He hides a keen mind behind a facade of musty decorum.

77 words

Morika Ashan

Morika is the Majordomo of the palace, a position she won through perfect performance in the Royal Guard. She runs many of the day-to-day functions of the palace.

83 words

Mors Dairbad

Mors Dairbad is the leader of the Bralian military, commanding both the @[The Royal Guard of Bral](organization:f57ab9cd-1abf-4dc3-afab-9f58c7426764) and the @[The Royal Navy of Bral](organization:22591001-a9e7-43f0-a893-f7d49cd2e58d).

126 words

Tiendor Alian

Tiendor is a handsome, rakishly dressed halfelf, who is one of Andru's closest advisors and friends. He has known Andru since the prince was a young lad and he has recently returned to Bral after and absence of many years.

128 words

Mardan Rhom

Mardan is a balding, potbellied man of middle age with short arms and legs. He is a native of Wildspace who drifted to Bral many years ago and settled there.

112 words

Diadan Cartan

Diadan is Andru's most capable and least trusted henchman. A witty, elegantly roguish man with a heart as black as night, he is the iron fist inside Andru's velvet glove.

95 words

Elven Imperial Navy

1281 words


Lionheart was the secret command base of the @[Council of Admirals](organization:87829374-e350-45d9-9640-b10e9976b1be) of the @[Elven Imperial Navy](organization:cd2890b7-b153-4e0d-b376-d11cad03ae43).

202 words

The Unknowable One

Within the cavernous interior of the Rock dwells a mysterious member of the @[Underbarons of Bral](organization:4ad7f509-eb72-49a9-9561-4888f0804b55) who specializes in smuggling.

50 words


Calar inherited the throne from his Father @[Frun](person:0ce37aae-fcd5-4d70-b75a-d00d5a1a358f), but was mysteriously killed 6 days later.

120 words


Frun died as he had lived, collapsing in the middle of a soiree commemorating Cozar's birthday. His sons, Calar and Andru, were left with the unenviable task of restoring the royal fortunes.

219 words

Captain Bral

87 words

The Black Brotherhood

A small fleet of Corsairs who provided very rough structure to the @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc) when it was merely an pirate outpost on an asteroid.

73 words

Cult of The Dragon

The Cult of the Dragon, also known as Keepers of the Secret Hoard or, as of around 1370 DR, Wearers of Purple, was a semi-religious evil organization venerating undead dragons, or dracoliches, founded by Sammaster, a powerful wizard.

1717 words


Bhaal about this audio file listen), known as Niynjushigampo among his Gugari worshipers, was the widely feared Lord of Murder, the Faerûnian god of violence and ritualistic killing.

1557 words

Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors

The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors was the guild of wizards and sorcerers for the city of Waterdeep. However, while technically a guild, the Watchful Order functioned primarily as a mage academy.

223 words


Tymora was the goddess of good luck in the Faerûnian pantheon and the second incarnation of the goddess of luck after her predecessor Tyche was split into her and Beshaba, goddess of bad luck.

1475 words


Elturel was a city-state lying on the River Chionthar in the Western Heartlands. In the mid–14th century DR, it was a center for agriculture and trade in the region, and was renowned for its elite mounted defenders, the Hellriders.

5477 words


Mirabar was a mining city of great wealth located on the Sword Coast. As of 1368 DR it was the richest city north of Waterdeep. By 1492 it was still operational, but had depleted in population and wealth greatly.

1510 words

Bardic College of the Herald

The College of the Herald was a bardic college from @[Herald's Holdfast](settlement:b898e737-a97e-47d7-95b9-d6b153bed0dd) that instructed the bard members of the @[Heralds of Faerun](organization:07ced3ee-1990-486c-aca4-78720ddef29c).

148 words


Methegrist was a fortress in the Moonwood that served as the headquarters of the Moonwatchers, a small group of paladins devoted to Helm who had appointed themselves defenders of the Moonlands.

137 words


909 words


A small order of Paladins dedicated to Protecting the Moonwood. They were based out of @[Methegrist](landmark:83e0e553-b862-4da1-b174-cac6cf08a7f1).

116 words

Heralds of Faerun

Historians and heraldists that took on the responsibility of recording, preserving, and policing the coats of arms, flags, standards, shields, badges, mottoes, symbols, and sigils of the nobility of Faerun.

4971 words


Berdusk was known as the Jewel of the Vale as it sat on both the Uldoon Trail and the River Chionthar in Sunset Vale. Twilight Hall was located here, making the city the base of many operations for Harpers in the west and the north.

250 words

Old Night

In the @[Heralds of Faerun](organization:07ced3ee-1990-486c-aca4-78720ddef29c), Old Night was one of the High Heralds. The sign of Old Night was an ancient, broken bronze shield hung on the wide trunk of an oak tree, surrounded by oak leaves.

225 words


Daggerford was a small but consequential town located in the Delimbiyr Vale within the greater Sword Coast.

2633 words


Pencheska was a lively and rambuctious operator of the Lift within the @[Yawning Portal Inn](landmark:63242144-9cc0-45e1-94a2-cdfab61ba912).

69 words

Elminster Aumar

Elminster Aumar, most often referred to as the "Sage of Shadowdale" or the "Old Mage", was one of the most famous and powerful wizards in all of @[Faerûn](location:b6ec4f38-1255-4b15-a7af-c896d8aea1f7).

9842 words


Bane was the Faerunian god of tyrannical oppression, terror, and hate, known across @[Faerûn](location:b6ec4f38-1255-4b15-a7af-c896d8aea1f7) as the face of pure evil through malevolent despotism.

153 words

The Plague Rats

149 words


Luskan, also known as the City of Sails, was a port city at the mouth of the River Mirar on the Sword Coast North.

2602 words


Malar was the lesser deity of hunting, stalking, bloodlust, and bestial savagery in the Faerûnian pantheon.

608 words


Greenest was the only sizable town along the Uldoon Trail in the Greenfields area of the Western Heartlands.

91 words

Gundren Rockseeker

Gundren Rockseeker was one of the three dwarf brothers who rediscovered @[Wave Echo Cave](landmark:d1487a91-7502-42a5-ab58-052b4de2973d) just outside of @[Phandalin](settlement:5b907ad9-8ff8-4c2b-becf-2637b4e83bf6) in 1492 DR.

375 words

Mere of Dead Men

The Mere of Dead Men (or Merdelain, meaning "Slow Marching Court" in Elvish) was a swampy area located along the @[The Sword Coast](location:6a72c4ce-5039-4932-84c2-176ddee08ef1) North.

1093 words


Venomfang was a green dragon who made his lair in an old wizard's tower in the ruins of @[Thundertree](settlement:b8b14c14-97fa-4e01-b3ed-1a5fc71218dd) village.

203 words

The Flaming Fists

1223 words


Talona was the goddess of poison and disease in the Faerûnian pantheon.

639 words


Cyric, known as Sirhivatizangpo by his Gugari worshipers and as N'asr by the Bedine, was the monomaniacal Faerunian god of lies, trickery, and strife, having previously held dominion over tyranny, murder, lies, intrigue, and illusion.

7082 words

Darkhold Castle

1456 words

Sword Mountains

272 words

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