Scalenex Progress Report


large faction of Mera worshipers known for mostly informal practices

351 words

Something Blue

Scarterran justification for having "something blue" at weddings

106 words

Duke of Nerozik

202 words

Beslyfle the gnome

the elderly gnome who is in charge of Fumaya's Tenders

1296 words

Adyna the human

84 words


the subterranean portion of my fantasy world

241 words

Talaman humans

humans descended from the now defunct kingdom of Talama, very loosely based on medieval Russians

377 words

Great Aunt Myxi

77 words

Cadella the human

106 words

Glenda the human

102 words

Carys the human

84 words

Siana the Human

94 words

Iola the human

115 words

Owena the human

79 words

Common Elementals

temporary beings birthed on the mortal plane composed of the essence of one of the four classic elements

311 words

Morgana the Human

116 words

Reeyak the Tengku

123 words


large faction of Mera worshipers known for mostly formal practices

342 words

Petra of Zimoz

67 words

Trina the Human

70 words


mortals who serve as the mouthpieces of the Nine

1220 words

Fumaya has lots of problems

An introductory primer for the adventure setting that is Fumaya

429 words

Stewards of the Dominion

staunch Korus worshipers who focus on Korus' identity as the god of nature

562 words

Stewards of the Gift

staunch Korus worshipers who focus on Korus' identity as the god of agriculture

747 words

House Wiern

109 words

House Linijka

Fumayan noble family ruling over Fumaya's "lower ankle" and including the royal family

91 words

House Frymar

Founding noble house of Fumaya whose center of power is in the "middle ankle"

126 words


708 words

Legend of the Silver Dragons

legendary spirit dragons created by the Nine to combat Void Demons during the Second Unmaking

244 words

Celina Nerozik

71 words

Mortal Life Expectancy

overview of life expectancies and age of majority for Scarterra's various mortal races

622 words

Deep Wardens Legion

The elite but semi-expendable Oshamni legion charged with defending the Demonic Strait

1478 words


a popular children's toy

613 words


295 words


60 words


87 words


73 words


111 words


72 words


84 words


80 words


92 words


332 words

Giant Heads

277 words


200 words


61 words

Greystone dwarf clan

prestigious dwarf clan encompassing Meckelorn's extended royal family

1450 words

Clan Elder

official recognized patriarchs of the dwarf clans

205 words

Abehreh kalazoz clan

prestigious clan of kalazotz formerly allied to the Red Shaft Clan of dwarves

275 words

Vamorus Redshaft

182 words

Red Scales dwarf clan

prestigious dwarf clan known for their strong spirituality

1362 words

Dragonbane dwarf clan

prestigious nouveau riche who leveraged a dragon hoard to become entrepreneurs

1126 words

Heart's Fire dwarf clan

prestigious Meckelorn dwarf clan with varied history now focused on entrepreneurial enterprises

1422 words


a member of a magical bloodline that does not manifest the family gift

353 words


high yield staple grain that requires lots of water

777 words

Guldur the lich

258 words


leader of a small group of acolyte Lanterns/young adventurers

302 words


168 words


225 words

Galil the Half-Orc

163 words

alchemical food preservation

process of using alchemical treatments to prevent food from rotting or spoiling

734 words

Dwarf salt masters

trained dwarf experts who oversee the protection, preservation and rationing of food in dwarf settlements

1243 words

base camp stew

popular slow cooked dish in East Colassia

388 words

Lady Sonya Deorac

149 words

Lady Misha Deorac

184 words

Lord Micha Deorac

166 words

Lord Milek Deorac

129 words

Lady Tanya Deorac

106 words

Lady Vera Deorac

117 words

Lord Efim Deorac

85 words

Lady Olesia Deorac

120 words

Priest Benek

140 words

Priestess Celestina

Cult of the Compact priestess acting as principle advisor to the Baroness of Crystal Fields

116 words

Priestess Catrin

107 words

Lord Daniil Deorac

102 words


staple livestock raised for meat, relatively cheap and easy to feed

668 words

Tween Days

calendars days marking the exact midpoints of all four seasons, times of great mystic significance

248 words

Samhain the Day of the Dead

Tween holiday marking the transition from autumn to winter, commonly associated with memorials for the dead

826 words

Beltaine, Spring Fertility Festival

Tween holiday marking the transition from spring into summer, associated with fertility and children

517 words


common edible fungi sustained by life stones

655 words


starchy nut grown from wild or lightly cultivated trees

483 words


common cereal crop favored in areas with sparse or inconsistent rainfall

256 words


vine growing flowering plant that both helps preserve and flavor beer

445 words

bonecracker eggs

large edible eggs cultivated from domesticated pterodactyls

264 words


a fusion of science and magic focused on transformation of things

574 words

Scaraquan vinumaca

how Scaraquans get drunk or high

1055 words


common cereal grain prevalent in sunny temperate climates

1109 words

Crop evolution and food mages

magic acceleration of the domestication and evolution of foodstuff plants

224 words

dragon grass

the ancestor plant of a great many cultivated grains

662 words

The Nami Civil War

849 words


1516 words


very popular staple grain used in making breads and noodles

530 words


common cereal crop favored in cooler areas with lots of water

325 words

Imbolc, the Herald of Spring

Tween holiday marking the transition from winter into spring, associated with fertility and new beginnings

996 words

Midsummer's Night

Tween holiday marking the transition from summer to autumn, commonly associated with romance and revelry

844 words

The War of the Fae Courts

ancient millennia long conflict encompassing all of Fae home, now in an uneasy peace

1248 words

Spring Stellar Day

the official start of spring in Scarterra

304 words

Summer Stellar Day

the official start of summer in Scarterra

445 words

The Autumn Stellar Day

the official start of autumn in Scarterra

199 words

Winter Stellar Day

the official start of winter in Scarterra

281 words

Scarterran New Year's Observances

five-day observance of the anniversary of the Divine Rebellion, marking the end of the calendar year

3801 words

Lord Jedrick

91 words

Lady Anhylwen

124 words

Lord Anhylron

135 words

Taran the Mighty

181 words

Mikolaj Linijka

74 words

Lady Jadzia

65 words

Islands of Mondert

173 words

land of Codenya

the territory claimed by the wood elves and their allies

352 words

Dawn of Maylar

Tester holiday marking the first day of Maylar's Zodiac month

251 words

Maylar's Solace

Tester holiday marking the last day of Maylar's Zodiac month

366 words

Mera's Dawn

Tender holiday marking the first day of Mera's Zodiac month

285 words

Mera's Zenith

Tender holiday marking the midway point of Mera's Zodiac month

522 words

Mera's Solace

Tender holiday marking the last day of Mera's Zodiac month

157 words

Korus' Verdance

Steward holiday marking the first day of Korus' Zodiac month

290 words

Apex of Korus

Steward holiday marking the midway point of Korus' Zodiac month

231 words

Korus' Solace

Steward holiday marking the last day of Korus' Zodiac month

233 words

Apex of Maylar

Tester holiday marking the midway point of Maylar's Zodiac month

346 words

Dawn of Nami

Rover holiday marking the first day of Nami's Zodiac month

396 words

Nami's Zenith

Rover holiday marking the midway point of Nami's Zodiac month

305 words

Nami's Solace

Rover holiday marking the last day of Nami's Zodiac month

224 words

Greymoria's Verdance

Children holiday marking the first day of Greymoria's Zodiac month

210 words

Apex of Greymoria

Children holiday marking the midway point of Greymoria's Zodiac month

256 words

Greymoria's Solace

Children holiday marking the last day of Greymoria's Zodiac month

175 words

Khemra's Dawn

Keeper holiday marking the first day of Khemra's Zodiac month

143 words

Khemra's Zenith

Keeper holiday marking the midway point of Khemra's Zodiac month

159 words

Khemra's Dusk

Keeper holiday marking the last day of Khemra's Zodiac month

140 words

Zarthus' Dawn

Lantern holiday marking the first day of Zarthus' Zodiac month

172 words

Zarthus' Zenith

Lantern holiday marking the midway point of Zarthus' Zodiac month

215 words

Zarthus' Solace

Lantern holiday marking the last day of Zarthus' Zodiac month

179 words

Hallisan's Dawn

Guardian holiday marking the first day of Hallisan's Zodiac month

181 words

Apex of Hallisan

Guardian holiday marking the midway point of Hallisan's Zodiac month

272 words

Hallisan's Solace

Guardian holiday marking the last day of Hallisan's Zodiac month

306 words


Leader of the Masks in Fumaya

121 words

Phidas' Dawn

Mask holiday marking the first day of Phidas' Zodiac month

189 words

Zenith of Phidas

Mask holiday marking the midway point of Phidas' Zodiac month

203 words

Phidas' Solace

Mask holiday marking the last day of Phidas' Zodiac month

386 words


1436 words

Near and Far Wedding Tokens

ritual personal keepsakes based on geographic origin

650 words


favored souls of Khemra, given special status due to their rarity

1336 words

Redshaft Clan

prestigious dwarf clan of renowned warriors

1466 words

Talons of Korus

informal designation for Stewards of the Dominion who regularly seek to defend nature directly and violently

212 words

Urban Stewards

informal designation for Korus' Stewards who wind up serving in temples within large towns and cities

275 words


101 words

Swynfaredian Children

a regional and nationalistic subsect of Greymoria worshipers in Swynfaredia

610 words

Fae Kiths

bloodlines of Fair Folk with similar appearances, powers, and weaknesses

879 words


sensual Fair Folk kith known for combining the traits of humanoids and foxes

601 words


short in stature Fair Folk kith known for their love of violence

617 words

Water Aspect Fae

Fair Folk partially defined and shaped by the elemental essence of water

185 words

Water Court

369 words

Earth Court

167 words

Fire Aspect Fae

Fair Folk partially defined and shaped by the elemental essence of fire

309 words

Fire Court

169 words

Air Court

155 words

Earth Aspect Fae

Fair Folk partially defined and shaped by the elemental essence of earth

263 words

Lensa Vaxidor

the most celebrated elven heroine of the Second Unmaking, credited with slaying the Harbinger

604 words

House Zielonkame

55 words

Scalenex Progress so far

81822 words 818.22% completed!

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