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You’re a brain-burning computer hacker & master of the Post-NET cyberverse. Maybe your parents bought you an old Kirama LPD-12 cyberdeck with Zetatech 526 optical goggles when you were too young for interface plugs, and your life was changed. Maybe you used REFRAME-G1s meta-programming to crack into the school district’s system and change your grades. As a teenager, you might have shifted enough funds out of unprotected Trans United Bank accounts to finance your first neural interface plugs.

You could have run high and fast with the other gods of the NET: Bartmoss, Magnificent Curtis, and the rest. Then the 4th Corp War blew the Old NET apart. The R.A.B.I.D.S made NET travel a suicide run; the Nodes were fragmented or corrupted. But there are still places to run. You just had to go there and jack in the hard way. You traded in sitting on the couch for a Bodyweight combat bodysuit and Virtuality 5 interface goggles to mesh NET with Meatspace.

The systems you cracked are smaller, but even deadlier. Now, you’re really part of a team, with Solos to cover your back, Medtechs to restart your heart if the ICE gets you, and Techs to help you hot-wire your cyberdeck for more speed and software deployment. As an electronic wraith, you slip into mainframes: stealing, trading, and selling their deepest secrets.

Of course, the deadliest parts cyberspace is still out there in the remnants of the old NET. Others might think it’s all safe behind the Blackwall, but you know that it’s only a matter of time before the AI and ghosts of Soulkiller that live there break free.

[quote|Spider Murphy]Do spiders spin webs? It’s time to catch flies.[/quote]


What kind of Netrunner are you?
1d6 Type
1Freelancer who will hack for hire
2Corporate “clone runner” who will hack for The Man
3Hacktivist interested in cracking systems and exposing bad guys
4Just like to crack systems for the fun of it
5Part of a regular team of freelancers
6Hack for a Media, politico, or Lawman who hires you as needed
If you work with a partner, who?
1d6 Partner
1Family member
2Old friend
3Possible romantic partner
4Secret parter who might be a rogue AI. Might.
5Secret partner with mob/gang connections
6Secret partner with Corporate connections
What’s your workspace like?
1d6 Workspace
1There are screens everywhere
2It looks better in Virtuality, you swear
3It’s a filthy bed covered in wires
4Corporate, modular, and utilitarian
5Minimalist, clean, and organized
6It’s taken over your entire living space
Who are some of your other clients?
1d6 Clients
1Local fixers who sends you clients
2Local gangers who also protect your work area while you sweep for NET threats
3Corporate Execs who use you for “black project” work
4Local Solos or other combat types who use you to keep their personal systems secure
5Local Nomads and Fixers who use you to keep their personal systems secure
6You work for yourself and whatever you can find on the NET
Where do you get your programs?
1d6 Source
1Dig around in old abandoned city zones
2Steal them from other Netrunners you brain-burn
3Have a local Fixer supply programs in exchange for hack work
4Corporate Execs supply programs in exchange for work
5You have backdoors into a few Corporate warehouses
6You hit the Night Markets and score programs whenever you can
Who’s gunning for you?
1d6 Enemy
1You think it might be a rogue AI or a NET ghost. Either way, it’s bad news.
2Rival Netrunners who just don’t like you
3Corporates who want you to work for them exclusively
4Lawman who considers you an illegal “black hat” and wants to arrest you
5Old client who thinks you screwed them over
6Fixer or another client who wants you exclusively
Connection Qustions

Ask these questions to different players about their characters to build existing relationships.

  • Why did I break into a corp subnet for you?
  • What’s in the file I keep secure for you in my deck?
  • What info have you asked me to look for?

Role Ability

A Netrunner uses a cyberdeck to access networks to interface with the architecture directly with their brain. They can use their action in meatspace to perform a number of NET actions determined by their role ability rank.

Virtuality goggles, or cybereyes with Virtuality installed, allows a Netrunner to view the interface around them along with their normal vision, projected directly onto their optics. This is much more convenient and subtle, but they still need to maintain a connection as per usual.


Each NET action can be one of several described in the Netrunning section in the Gamerunner chapter of Cyberpunk Blue.

Starting Gear

Weapons and Armor
  • Agent
  • Cyberdeck
  • Virtuality Goggles
  • Programs
    • Armor
    • Sword
    • Sword or Vrizzbolt
    • Sword or Worm
    • See Ya or Eraser
  • Clothes
    • Generic Chic: Top ×10
    • Leasurewear: Footwear ×2, Jewelry, Bottoms ×2
    • Urban Flash: Jacket
Starting Cyberware
PSYCHE loss: 11 (Max reduced by 3)
Starting gear notes

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Statblock Type

Cyberpunk Blue - Role
