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The corporations rule the world. Everyone knows it, even if some try their best to deny it. It’s better to work within that system and turn it to your advantage. Of course, even as a junior executive, there are those who would literally kill to get your job. And those higher up are equally willing to flatline you if they think you’re gunning for their position. In some respects, the corporate world is just as bloody as the street gangs, just in nicer clothes and more polite language. The advantage is that you can have others do your dirty work for you. As long as your underlings remain loyal, at least, but if they’re not, you can hire someone else to deal with that problem too.

For all the wealth available to Execs, the one thing they can rarely afford themselves is ethics. Your life is filled with many layers of manipulation and intrigue, making it difficult to place complete trust in anyone save for a few allies. Anyone could stab you in the back at any time and your only chance to truly survive is to do the same to them as soon as you can get away with it.

We let your hunger thrive! Great opportunities await those willing to do what it takes to get to the top!
— Alicia Jones, Recruiter for Zetatech


What kind of Corp do you work for?
1d10 TypeExample
1FinancialAsukaga & Finch
2Media and CommunicationsNetwork 54
3Cybertech and Medical TechnologiesKiroshi Optics
4Pharmaceuticals and BiotechBiotechnica
5Food, Clothing, General ConsumablesContinental Brands
6Energy ProductionPetrochem
7Personal Electronics and RoboticsZetatech
8Corporate ServicesArasaka
9Consumer ServicesDanger Girl
10Real Estate and ConstructionNightCorp
What division do you work in?
1d6 Division
3Research and Development
4Human Resources
5Public Affairs / Publicity / Advertising
6Mergers and Acquisitions
How good/bad is your Corp?
1d6 Ethics
1Always working for good, supporting ethical practices
2Operates as a fair and honest business
3Occasionally, but rarely, unethical
4Willing to bend the rules to get what it needs
5Ruthless and profit-centered
6Engages in illegal and unethical business all the time
Where is your Corp based?
1d6 Location
1One city
2Several cities
5International, offices in several major cities
6International, offices everywhere
Who’s gunning for your team?
1d6 Enemy
1Rival Corp in your industry
2Law enforcement is watching you
3Local Media wants to bring you down
4Different divisions in your company are feuding
5Local government doesn’t like your Corp
6International Corps are eying you for a hostile takeover
What’s the state of your boss?
1d6 Boss
1Mentors you, but watch out for their enemies
2Gives you free reins and doesn’t want to know what you’re up to
3A micro-manager who tries to meddle in your work
4Unpredictable outbursts offset by quiet paranoia
5Cool and has your back against rivals
6Feels threatened and is planning to zero you
Connection Qustions
  • Ask these questions to different players about their characters to build existing relationships.
  • What job did I first hire you for?
  • What did I get my corporation to cover up for you?
  • Why did I bribe you?

Role Ability

The key to this ability is Teamwork as it relies on you leading those who work for you. However, you don’t get those underlings until you reach rank 3.

Signing Benefits

At rank 1 in this ability, you gain a business-wear jacket, top, bottom, and footwear to signify your position (on top of your starting gear). Reselling these would draw attention. At rank 2, you are given rent-free housing in a corporate conapt. This housing is improved to a Beaverville style house at rank 7 and a true McMansion or luxury penthouse at rank 10.

Corporate Health Insurance

At rank 6, your corporation pays for a gold subscription to Trauma Team. This coverage is increased to platinum at rank 8, but you may get it earlier if you pay the difference.

Team Members

You get a team member permanently assigned to you at rank 3, with additional members added at ranks 5 and 9 for a total of three members in the end.

Team members don’t gain I.P. and thus can’t increase their skills, attributes, or abilities. They’re controlled by the GM and their dependability is based on their Loyalty score. The team member isn’t trained to use equipment, including armor, that’s very different from what’s given in the rules below.

You may choose your team member from any of the stat blocks listed here, chosen when they’re hired. You may fire them if you wish to have a different kind of team member, but hiring new members has drawbacks. If you need to hire a new member of your team besides when you gain them at ranks 3, 5, and 9; you must pay €$200 to HR (in bribes) to get the candidate you want. They start at a Loyalty of 1 with the stat block for their type of team member. This applies if you fired a previous member, they were killed in action, left due to disloyalty, or anyting else.


Between sessions, a team member’s Loyalty score is capped at 10, but there’s no limit during the session. If the score ever drops to 0 or lower, they will actively attempt to betray you to your enemies or sabotage your plans. If given the chance, they’ll complain to HR or quit if they can’t get transferred. When you ask a member of your team to do anything outside of very ordinary duties, the GM rolls 1d6. The result must be equal or lower than their Loyalty score or they will do their best to avoid the task, including willfully failing at it. The GM may add to the result of the dice for something exceptional or lower the result for milder requests.

Loyalty changes depending on an Exec’s actions.

Compliment their work (until overused)+1
Give them a bonus or perk worth at least €$200+4
Support them against Management+4
Give them 20% of your earnings from a job+6
Give them paid time off (an entire job)+6
Risk physical harm for them+8
Gain no Loyalty with them for an entire session-1
Berate or chew them out for their work-2
Ignore their contribution to a job-4
Forget their birthday-4
Not following through on a bonus or perk-6
Throw them under the bus to Management-6
Abandon them when they’re under fire-8

Your Team

Team members assigned to you as part of your promotion to Role rank 3, 5, and 9 start with a Loyalty of 4. You may choose from any of the statblocks given here, or define your own together with the GM.


Primary Stats

When a new member is hired, you may choose to reallicate their primary stats. (COOL, INT, TECH, RFLX, and BODY). They must still use a spread of 3, 4, 4, 5, and 7. Their skill set and company issued gear depend on what job they were hired to fill.

Custom Team Role

Optionally, the GM may create any form of teammate. They skills should add up to 35 ranks (with 1 rank being able to increase two components by one instead of a skill and a wired component). Skills are capped at 6 for teammates. If they have a Role ability, it is capped at 2 and costs twice per level compared to a skill. Cyberware and gear combined should have a combined cost between €$3000 and €$3500, with no individual item being more than €$500 (expensive). The gear should include at least one weapon and plenty of ammunition. It should also include at least a light armorjack (SP 11).

Ready Team Positions

Click the links for the full statblocks.

Bodyguard Team Member

Covert Operative




Starting Gear

Weapons and Armor
Starting gear notes

Created by


Statblock Type

Cyberpunk Blue - Role
