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They’re bending the truth out there. And you’re going to stop them. Someone has to do it. The Corporations rule the world. They dump toxics, destabilize economies, and commit murder with equal impunity.

You’ve got a vidlink and a press pass, and you’re not afraid to use them as a city-wide figure, seen nightly all over. It’s not always like the old days, when you had a major Mediacorp behind you; this time, you’ve gotta depend on your fans, your contacts, and your own reputation. But it’s harder for Corps to make you disappear these days. So when you dig down for the dirt and slime the corrupt officials and Corporate lapdogs try to cover up, you can dig deep. The next morning, you can put the details of their crimes all over the screamsheets and vidscreens.

The bad guys have tried to kill you several times. That’s why you need backup, such as a crack Solo bodyguard and the top ‘Runners in the business digging through NET Architectures to back your stories. Stay ahead and you’ll change the world. You better be good, or else!


What kind of Media are you?

1d6 Type
2Writer (Books)
5Investigative Reporter
6Street Scribe

How do you reach the public?

1d6 Method
1Monthly Magazine
3Mainstream Vid Feed
4News Channel
5“Book” sales

How ethical are you?

1d6 Ethics
1Fair, honest reporting. Strong ethical practices. You only report the verifiable truth
2Fair and honest reporting, but willing to go on hearsay and rumor if that’s that it takes
3Will occasionally but rarely slip into ethical things. You have some standards.
4Willing to bend any rules to get the bad guys, but only the bad guys
5Ruthless and determined to make it big, even if it means breaking the law
6Totally corrupt, taking bribes and engage in illegal an unethical reporting all the time — your pen is for hire

What kind of stories do you tell?

1d6 Stories
1Political Intrigue
2Ecological Impact
3Celebrity News
4Corporate Takedowns
Connection Qustions

Ask these questions to different players about their characters to build existing relationships.

  • How did I make you out as the hero of a story?
  • What enemy of yours did I expose?
  • What dirt about you have I covered up?

Role Ability

Medias rely on their credibility to pick up on rumors, talk to informants, and spread their message. Every day, the GM rolls 1d10 + you Role ability rank. If you’re in alocation where you might pick up on rumors, you’ll hear about one of the highest category where the result beat the passive DV in the table below.

You may also go looking for rumors to see what you can pick up. This requires a Business, Government, or Streetwise skill roll, but you also get to add your Role ability ranks. Compare with the active DV in the table.

Vague rumor. There’s only the bare minimum to go on.815
Typical rumor. Enough to know where to go next to investigate and the information might give a glimpse at the supposed truth.17
Substantial rumor. There’s also some concrete information that will help with an investigation, such as names, places, and times.1419
Detailed rumor. There’s additional information that, if verified, makes it immediately relevant for publication.1722

A rumor might well be untrue and is never the whole truth, but they’re a place to start.

Reach Stats

Your Role ability rank shows how far your influence goes.

Access: This is who you can somewhat easily get hold of by poking the right contacts.

Audience: People in this group can largely be assumed to at least have heard about your pieces.

Impact: This is the amount of change a scoop can reasonably facilitate.

When you publish a story, 10% of your audience buys into your premise. This increases by an additional 5% of the audience for each Role ability rank. Add 5% for each verifiable, easily understood, fact up to a maximum bonus of 20%. Even the most credible Medias aren’t trusted by everyone.

Role Ability Rank 1 and 2

Access: Local honcho, gang lord, or the local neighborhood leadership

Audience: Immediate neighborhood

Impact: Change is small and incremental, but minor actors in the space might shift their ways

Role Ability Rank 3 and 4

Access: City gang honcho, minor politician, corp Exec, well-known person in the neighborhood

Audience: You’re a well-known contributor to the local screamsheet or Data Pool

Impact: Your stories have a direct effect. Small-timers get arrested or thrown out of power, justice can be served.

Role Ability Rank 5 and 6

Access: Major city player, city politico, local celebrity

Audience: City wide demographic; regular columnist or contributor to local screamsheets or TV

Impact: Changes things across the city, with higher-level targets possibly being jailed or thrown out of power. Local laws might even be passed.

Role Ability Rank 7 and 8

Access: Local corp president, mayor or city manager, city celebrity

Audience: State-wide, making you a minor celebrity in your own right

Impact: Change might spread across multiple cities and mid-level corporations or governments might be thrown out of power. Laws affecting many people might get passed.

Role Ability Rank 9

Access: Divisional corp head, state politico, well-known celebrity

Audience: Nation-wide, within your area of expertise

Impact: Change can spread across the nation, possibly toppling large corporations or local governments. National laws might be created, abolished, or changed.

Role Ability Rank 10

Access: Major world leaders and corporation heads, world celebrities

Audience: World-wide, making you both a celebrity and someone to leak information to

Impact: Large-scale changes that affect millions.

Starting Gear

Weapons and Armor
Starting Cyberware

PSYCHE loss: 10; Max PSYCHE reduced

Starting gear notes

Created by


Statblock Type

Cyberpunk Blue - Role
