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Styx St.John

Android , The Sentient

Racial Keyword

Database Access Granted

Using precise calculations in their memory banks, the user can deploy numerous tactics to access information that may or may not be so easily accessible by the public stored within technological devices. However, if the security is too advanced to be easily surpassed, their attempt will be denied and they risk a lengthy cool-down period before another attempt. Each failed attempt makes the next one more difficult. Public data or media is the most easily accessible, whereas a company's records or the personal files of a researcher would be much more difficult to accomplish. The data gathered could be something as mundane as a theme song from a popular television show, or as complex as the decoding of a strand of DNA.  

Power-Up Gained

If something is powered by electrical means, the user can find a way to charge their internal battery by connecting themselves to the item in question, whether through a power cord, a remote access connection, or even from holding something like a analog battery. The energy is used for sustaining power in case of overclocking, or to amplify their strength and/or speed. Like all instances of overclocking, too much power can potentially cause combustion, and in an extreme failure, the internal hard drive could be permanently damaged or destroyed.

Save Point

Before attempting something extremely risky or potentially hazardous, the user can save their hard drive/existence to an external source. Something like an ATM, a soda machine, a vehicle, anything with a memory bank or data storage can sustain their data. Unfortunately, this runs the risk of being saved onto a thumb drive and potentially being lost in the endless shuffle of existence. It can be argued that a slim chance is always better than no chance at all.

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Gamma Haven
