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Samuel Maximus

dulamon ,

Racial Keyword

time manipulation

He can manipulate time in two ways. The first is to freeze the state and position of objects or part of an object within 11.5 feet of him. All kinetic energy will be transfered to the object simultaniously upon its release. He cannot do this to biological things with a soul. There is a limit to how much he can stop at a given point though he isnt entirely sure how its determined and what the exact limit is, but he has a vague idea.   The second is to temporarily reverse the state of an object or person within the same radius. It then ticks down to its previous state or just goes back on release. Furtherest back hes gone so far is roughly 2 months Eg:some glass was broken a week ago he can turn it back and itd be fixed until it gets to the broken point. EG2: a metal object was cast 2 days ago he can turn it back 2 days and have it melt and release it and have it be intact again. This too has a limit, he is also unable to use this on himself.   This also works on computers and their inputs so any digital lock can be turned back to open.


Hes learned forensics before, while not as adept as many active scientists he knows what to do. In addition he can get a good idea what people would doand figuring out possibilities. Fairly observant too


He is very clever at figuring thingss out, even if the solution is rather obscure. He knows how to use what he has and what he may need, this includes combat as his ability turns a lot of those into more or less puzzles. If youre gonna fight him then dont expect anything straight forward.

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Gamma Haven
