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Jacob Bastian

Dulaman , none

Racial Keyword

Load stone [Asset]

Jacob has a stone gifted to him by the entity of war called a load stone. This stone will restore the bearer to perfect health regardless of what damage was done to them in less than a second and thanks to the entity of war it is tied to Jacob for eternity. As such if he loses it or if it is taken from him in any way it will always return to him in 5 seconds or less.

Red Horseman [Skill]

Jacob has over the centuries devoted himself to one thing. The mastery of war. This has lead him to become probably the greatest strategist in the world. He has seen and dealt with every strategy imaginable and as such can perfectly counter any strategy thrown against him. This also gives him the ability to not be fooled the same way twice. So if he is tricked or has a new strategy used against him he will never be fooled by that strategy again as he would have committed it to memory.

Weapons master [Skill]

Jacob has over the centuries mastered every known fire arm and explosive he could possibly find. This has lead him to having a truly staggering amount of explosives and fire arms stocked away and total mastery of every single one. He has a gun or explosive for every occasion.

For the people! EVERYTHING!

Created by

Jacob Bastian.


Gamma Haven
