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R-Type X

Rhaelagarian - Pure ,

Racial Keyword

MUTATION| The Lotus: Omni-Transcendent Ergokinesis - Fundamental Force: Gravitokinesis

OTE: Gravitokinesis Fundamental Force - bend gravity to temporarily change an objects mass, based on contact can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, flatten objects, and generate miniature force spheres to compress objects into oblivion. Can propel and attract objects by curving their pull. Can increase his own body mass relying on his adapted muscle structure to ignore the strain and deliver blows with force a wrecking ball to shatter a city block. Can create deadly projectiles of various shapes and/or intensities through making an object weightless and launching it with a blow. Utilizes the planets own rotation for protection by increasing the atmospheric wind resistance and drag. When combined with his GOKEN Martial Arts and weight trained muscles, it is very difficult to injure the KING

SKILL| The Aoki Mōjū: The Blue Beast of Battle - Physical & Energy Marital Arts

Utilizing heavily on the principle "Precision beats power, Timing beats speed" Focus on fast, megaton strikes with explosive movements and utilizing his physical strength, speed, agility & OTE. Focus on attacks designed to take opponents down from the inside, Receiving the aggressor's force and momentum and then directing the opponent's force, leading the attack into another direction or at the opponent, to bring the opponent off-balance, diffusing the energy of the incoming attack. Emphasizing precision control and defense.

SKILL| The Libra/Code Re.TAT (Real Time Action Tactics - Collected Cycle Combat Perception & Keen Battle Intellect)

Extremely accurate enhanced synesthesia, acting as a extrasensory involving the seven main senses granting him accelerated perception, combat & energy awareness, sense focusing & an enhanced equilibrium. The Rhaelagarian skill to understand how a person thinks, emotional state, motivation and fighting style during combat in real time. It grants the ability to a mild self-psychological awareness and enhances his experiences during battle, natural senses & instincts based on precision and timing. The Libra: Code Re.TAT can try to predict an opponent's moves in real time shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack much easier to evade

“One life, one encounter. 11” means every encounter is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter, this really underscores how many first-and-only-time things happen in the day-to-day.   "Expect the worse, Assume Nothing and Always Anticipate an Attack."

Created by

R-Type X.


Gamma Haven
