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Malross Ingram

Migrant , N/A

Racial Keyword

Asset: The Chapel

The Chapel is the center of religious worship for the Sect of the One and doubles as a genome therapy/genetic manipulation center. It possesses a sizeable common area for the Homeless and Needy to come and find a warm bed and good food to eat, so long as they stick around for the Worships of the Sect.

Asset: The Sect of the One

As High Prelate, I am the undisputed leader of the Cult, allowing me to utilize the assets of the cult, i.e. buildings, weapons, labs, ect., to my own use, in addition to assigning members of the Enforcement branch to act as bodyguards/servants. (Note: For balancing purposes, Malross will keep two Enforcers on retainer at most times, unless a RP reason for more is needed.) He also commands the cult's activities on a daily basis.

Skills: Lifecrafting

Malross possesses an inherent understanding of both the natural sciences and the magic behind that which The Sect calls “Lifecrafting.” Pretty much anything that has to do with genetics, cloning, certain types of surgery (mostly to modify the physical form), biology, and experimental versions of genetic resequencing. He possesses no enhanced knowledge of any other science beyond a vague understanding of botany (probably thanks to the simple fact that it is a living organism.)

We have been given a new chance. A chance to be Reborn in this new world.

Created by

Malross Ingram.


Gamma Haven
