Like the
Elven, the Kynn are an Ashtouched humanoid variant that appeared after the Sundering. They are born with tattoo-like marks on their skin and often tattoo prominent runic marks on their faces that carry deeply personal meanings. Some markings are specific to familial lines, while others represent personal values. They tend to experience extreme emotions.
Concept Art

by Chelsea Stoddard

by Chelsea Stoddard
Kynn develop magical marks on their skin throughout their lives. These marks change as kynn age, reshaping themselves to reflect major life events. These changes are irreversible.
Kynn became common after the Sundering.
Kynn experience life in extremes. They aren’t happy, they’re overjoyed. They aren’t pissed, they’re enraged. They aren’t sad, they’re melancholy. They make volatile friends and dangerous enemies.
Fresh Ink
Tattoos are a part of life for many kynn. It is common to alter or enhance their marks with tattoos, embellishing what the magic has already made. Kynn tattoo artists are held in high esteem in Marshhelm.