Beastkin is a collective term for humanoids with animal features. In the beginning, some were humans twisted by the ashes; others were literal animals who were awakened by the Sundering. Known varieties include Avian (bird), Murine (Rodent), Canine (including wolf and fox), Feline (cat), Ursine (bear), and Hircine (goat).
Concept Art

by Chelsea Stoddard

by Chelsea Stoddard
Today, most beastkin are the direct descendents of other beastkin. They are born and raised like many of the other species of Aldwa.
Sometimes, beastkin are created when an animal is exposed to Ash. Upon exposure, the animal is seized by a violent transformation; bones break, skin stretches, and organs are rearranged as the body is twisted by foreign magic. This process is painful and traumatic. Many beastkin who are changed in this way die during the process, and countless others die shortly after. No one knows how, but beastkin who were once animals are able to speak; the change grants them intelligence and a grasp of the common tongue. Many of these animals cannot adjust to their new bodies and are either picked off by predators or starved to death by their own inability to use their new limbs. Most successful transformations occur in pets or other captive animals, although transformations in the wild have occurred.
For whatever reason, human to beastkin transformations are exceptionally rare. These transformations are less traumatic; human limbs are already the right length, and their bodies are typically the right mass. With that said, the physical effects of the transformation are painful, and the mental effects can be severe.
Beastkin emerged after the Sundering. The first beastkin were all transformed by the Ash. As families grew and humans and animals were transformed, beastkin became a staple in every corner of Aldwa.
Guardians on the Road
Over the years, the Kafervolk have found plenty of new beastkin during their travels. Most of these beastkin are dropped off with Settledvolk or adopted into beastkin families on the road.